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MCPE/Bedrock Invisibility Helmet

Illustrious Member Admin

Invisibility Helmet

Invisibility Helmet It is a complement that will add a helmet to our Minecraft, but this helmet has a special functionality, by equipping the helmet we will become invisible and we will be able to hide from our friends or make jokes on them or whatever we can think of doing with invisibility 

This helmet will allow us to be invisible while we have it equipped, by disequipped it it will take away our invisibility

To create it, we will need 5 blocks of calcite , Calcite is naturally generated as part of the structure of the amethyst geodes, between smooth basalt and the layers of the amethyst block. It also generates in strips on the rocky summits.

This is the crafting of the invisibility helmet.

It is equipped in the slot armor helmet.

By equipping it automatically we will become invisible.

And when disequipped it, the effect will be removed.


Topic starter Posted : 20/10/2022 2:37 pm