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IRestocker is an inventory restock addon that help a lot when building large build and other misc activity in game, but mainly use for building and gathering material, well thats it.
- " -restock "
quickly toggle on/off restocking
- " -restock gui "
open a gui for more personal setting

I first make this for a fun project to learn more on script api, after sometime upload it to my yt,
but now this can do more than just helping at placing block so why not upload it
- you can make video about it.
- don't put direct download link, put this link instead.
- don't upload this on other web without my permission.
I don't know what to put course this is the first release
- mcpack = open it with minecraft.
- zip = unzip and paste it on behavior pack
- android = android/data/com.mojang.minecraftpe/files/games/com.mojang/behavior_pack.
make sure "Beta APIs" turn on in your world

click the link > press "READ SUGGESTED ARTICLES" > wait about 15 second > go back > wait the "unlock content" become green > press it
Topic starter Posted : 28/12/2023 1:36 pm