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MCPE/Bedrock Jehol Dynasty

Illustrious Member Admin

Jehol Dynasty


IMPORTANT INFORMATION If you would like to showcase this addon, you must put the link of this addon into video description, as well as crediting the main author -  tttongxin and 2nd author - Yaju Senpai (me). You should also include a link to my YouTube channel If you would like to send this addon to anyone else, you must send them the link to this page instead of simply passing them the file. If you would like to publish this addon onto any other website, you must include everything on this page (including the links to the two videos), as they contain important information. 


Join my new discord server  (old one got taken down due to spammers)


Named after the former Chinese province Rehe/热河/Jehol, the Jehol Biota is a remarkable fossil assemblage from the Early Cretaceous which dates back approximately 133 to 120 million years ago. Discovered in northeastern China, mainly within the current provinces of Liaoning, Hebei, and Inner Mongolia, Jehol biota is well known for its exceptionally well-preserved animal fossil contents, many of which include intact feathers, furs and even soft tissues. 


For part 1 of “Jehol Dynasty” addon, we bring you 80 creatures of the Yixian formation (the main geological formation that fall under the larger Jehol Biota), which includes 34 species of dinosaurs, 5 species of pterosaurs, 6 species of other reptiles, 5 species of mammals, 4 species of amphibians, 7 species of fish and 19 species of invertebrates, all of which existed in the same place and at the same time. From creatures as large as Yutyrannus and Liaoningotitan, to creatures as small as Jeholops (a crustacean), all mobs in Jehol Dynasty addon would have encountered one another in real life at around 125 million years ago, in where is now north eastern China. Every single one of the animals in this addon are scientifically accurate, and tons of research has been done in reconstructing them. 


Aside from the iconic creatures like Sinosauropteryx and Psittacosaurus, most of the animals in this addon would sound unfamiliar to majority of people. In fact, many of them haven't appeared in any media before, nor even having a proper scientific reconstruction. Hence, i made a comparison video of every single one of the animals with their actual fossils, with their names labeled. I highly recommend watching this video before playing, just so that you know which animal is which.


Pretty much all tetrapods (animal with four limbs) in this addon CAN BE TAMED, this includes dinosaurs, mammals, amphibians and other reptiles. In order to tame them, find their baby and feed them with food they like. We are not writing the full taming mechanism here so we leave it up to you to explore instead. Tamed adult yutyrannus, dongbeititan, liaoningotitan and jinzhousaurus can be ridden by players. 

To make life easier for survival-mode players, here are some useful tips

  1. When you encounter adult yutyrannus in the wild, sneak to avoid being attacked.
  2. When zhenyuanlong and tianyuraptor are sneaking up on you, avoid being attacked by running away while they are doing so.
  3. We added a special villager called "Jehol Explorer" which will spawn in day time as a passive mob. You can trade a variety of animal eggs with him as well as an interactive field guide to all dinosaur species - a book called "Dinosaurs Of Yixian Formation", which contains hints on how to tame the dinosaurs, as well as some fun scientific facts. Turn the page by clicking left/right part of the book.
  4. Many animals have more than 1 variants! Challenge yourself and find the pink sinosauropteryx (1 in 200 chance of spawning).
  5. Breed two animals of the same species by feeding them food they like, they will lay eggs afterwards. Some dinosaurs will sit on their nests.

Easter egg

Name an Eomaia as "yaju_senpai_" will give it clothes 


Many of the animal sound effects are taken from game "The Isle" and "Ark: Survival Evolved". Jinzhousaurus colour scheme is based on the one made by Jagged Fang Designs 

Have fun out there in the Jehol Biota



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creator: tttongxin & YJSNPI

Topic starter Posted : 17/09/2024 3:10 pm