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MCPE/Bedrock Jimmy Gibbs Jr. Car Add-on

Illustrious Member Admin

Jimmy Gibbs Jr. Car Add-on


With this add-on you can add Jimmy Jibbs Jr’s car from the video game Left 4 Dead 2, so you can get in it and drive it in your Minecraft world.

Creator: ArathNidoGamer, (Twitter)(Youtube).


This add-on was published on MCBEDROCK.COM, it is not allowed to publish this add-on on other websites or applications of Minecraft Addons without the permission of the creator.

If you will review this add-on for youtube leave credits, put the download link from MCBedrock and not put the direct download link or create your own download link or you will receive a complaint.



Jimmy Gibbs’ car can be made using these recipes as the normal and the blood car:

You can get in the car by right clicking (Windows 10) or pressing the mount button (Android/IOS) and you can drive it with the keys to move the player.

There are two different car textures (Normal Texture/Bloodstained Texture):

  1. Recipes were added to manufacture the vehicle.
  2. They will no longer appear in the world.
  3. Bug fixes.



  1. Download Resources .McPack.
  2. Download Behaviors .McPack.
  3. Apply the packs for a world.
  4. Enable "Experimental Gameplay" in the world settings
  5. Create the world.



Topic starter Posted : 16/02/2021 10:08 pm