Joey Gaming Studios NPCs Addon (The American Update)
This addon allows you to add NPCs or (non-player characters) into Minecraft. When making Minecraft skits many people have their friends act for them but with this addon, you can make Minecraft videos more Effectively.
This addon adds 32 Spawn Eggs or 215 NPCs into Minecraft and many more are going to be added in later updates.
This update's short film
Every Mouth there will be a new short film where we will show the capabilities of this addon:
How do these NPCs work?
Right now there is only 1 type of NPC however many more variants will be added later in updates. The one we will talk about is called the Background NPC
This NPC will have 1 heart of health and won't walk around, it will look at entities though. The purpose of this NPC is to be a Background Character and to be removed easily.
You can NOW select what skin you want through the skin selection screen instead of spawning and killing the NPC until you find the one you want, You can also run commands (Only if you have operator) and set up dialogue. To learn more about what you can do with commands for NPCs, check out this playlist

Here are the current NPCs?
Joey gaming

4th of July skins

Life Guard

Summer Female

Summer Male

DLC Content
Every month I'm going to release DLCs for the NPC Addon. DLCs replace NPC skins to the theme of the DLC. For example, if they is a Christmas DLC then all or most NPCs will be Christmas-themed. DLCs might also add new models or animations. for more info join the discord
Why should I download this NPC addon?
Our goal is to become the most advanced NPC addon by 2023, to do this there will be monthly updates where more NPCs and new features will be added.
There will be 2 types of updates. Feature Updates and Skin Updates, Feature Updates will add new features to the addon, Skin updates just add more NPCs.
Add your skin to the addon
If you would like your skin added to the addon then join the Joey gaming Studios Discord server and look for the channel called #npc-addon-info. Make sure to include some info about your skin.
Future updates
Armor and Equipment: I plan for NPC's to were Armor and use equipment in later updates
Stationary NPCs: Just like Background NPCs except they have 10 Health just like Regular players
Roaming NPCs: These NPCs will have 10 health, open and close doors/gates, run away when attacked, and seek shelter when night.
Friendly NPCs: These NPCs attack hostel mobs and Enemy NPCs.
Enemy NPCs: These NPCs attack the player and Friendly NPCs.
Beta Testing
There will be 3 flights for each Feature update that comes out for the add-on. What are flights? Flights are basically a beta to test out new features of the add-on and to make sure it's working properly.
flight 1: is the initial build of the new update and many bugs are expected to show up. 1st flight is only given to people that are very trusted.
flight 2: we'll have many bug fixes and changes and is sent out to more people, once again problems and bugs are expected.
flight 3: This flight will be available to everyone within the Joey gaming Studios Discord server and is the last beta before the add-on gets more bug fixes/changes before release.
If you would like to join the beta program then you can in the Joey gaming Studios discord server
If you plan on making a YouTube skit with my addon then, please tag #JGSNPCs so I can see it.
Revise engineering is allowed
You are free to modify and copy my code for your own projects
If you are planning on releasing your project with my code then, please do your own work. You don't learn through copy and pasting, that's called Plagiarism
Reuploading Addons
It has come to my attention that some people are re-uploading my content to other websites, this is ok in fact I support it because it helps speed the word of my content, however, I'm going to set up some rules and guidelines so everyone is safe.
- You must leave a link back to my page.
- You can't modify my addon in any way or form.
- If you want people to download from your article, you must use the link I provide here to my MediaFire.
- Do not link to Adfly, or any other forms of monetization where people watch ads or discover articles.
- Video showcases of my addon are welcomed and appreciated, all I ask is link the addon back to my page. If you are using my addon to make skits, movies, or anything else rather than a showcase then crediting me is not required but appreciated. (videos of my addon may be monetized)
- Added 34 new NPCs
- Added 6 New NPC Spawn Eggs
- Added 5 Female/Male 4th of July NPCs (10)
- Added 10 Female/Male Summer NPCs (20)
- Added 2 Demon Slayer NPCs
- Added 2 New Dad NPCs