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MCPE/Bedrock Just Enough Weapons Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Just Enough Weapons Addon

Hello and welcome to the just enough weapons addon. So like the name says this addon is all about weapons. In this addon are 14 new items and weapons to the game. The weapons and the items are all craftable and multiplayer compatible.


Well so there are not much items to cover right now because this addon is still work in progress but it still has some weapons and items.

You can also put the weapons in your second hand.

Ok so lets start with the items.

There are just 4 items for now but they all have a use.

The emerald nugget:

Yes you heard right, an nugget made of emerald.

Here is an image of the emerald nugget:


Crafting recipe:

1 emerald

You will get 9 emerald nuggets


The diamond nugget:

If there is an emerald nugget there must be also an diamond nugget.

Here is an image of the diamond nugget:



Crafting recipe:

1 diamond

You will get 9 diamond nuggets.


The quartz shard:

Well i never wanted to add something like this but i needed more nuggets and then i thought that i can add them.

Here is an image of the quartz shard:


I hope that you like the textures of the quartz shards. If not just write it into the comments and i will change them.


Crafting recipe:


1 quartz shard

You will get 9 quartz shards



Now i got everything but why not a pebble.

Here is an image of the pebble:


The textures are simple but i guess it's good


Crafting recipe:


1 cobblestone

You will 9 pebbles


That are all items, now comes the interesting part, the weapons. This is the first release, that's why there are still rapiers but there are much of them.


Stone rapier:

Simple and good for the start.

Here is an image of the stone rapier:


You may ask why there are no outlines. I thought that it would look better but you know if you don't like the textures just write them into the comments.


Here is an image of the sword in your hand:



Crafting recipe:


1 stick

4 pebbles

You will get 1 stone rapier


Iron rapier:

A rapier made of iron.

Here is an image of the iron rapier:



Here is an image of the sword in your hand:



Crafting recipe:


1 stick

4 iron nuggets

You will get 1 iron rapier


Gold rapier:

A rapier made of gold.

You shouldn't craft it, its a waste.

Here is an image of the gold rapier:



Here is an image of the sword in your hand:



Crafting recipe:


1 stick

4 gold nuggets

You will get 1 gold rapier.


Diamond rapier:

A rapier made of diamond. You should definitely craft it because it just uses 1 diamond.

Here is an image of the diamond rapier:



Here is an image of the sword in your hand:



Crafting recipe:


1 stick

4 diamond nuggets

You will get 1 diamond rapier


Emerald rapier:

A rapier made of emerald. Finally a good use for emerald.

Here is an image of the emerald rapier:



Here is an image of the sword in your hand:



Crafting recipe:


1 stick

4 emerald nuggets

You will get 1 emerald rapier.


Quartz rapier:

A rapier made of quartz. Also finally a good use for quartz.

Here is an image of the quartz rapier:



Here is an image of the sword in your hand:



Crafting recipe:


1 stick

4 quartz shards

You will 1 quartz rapier.


Emerald sword:

Yes i made an emerald sword.

Here is an image of the emerald sword:



Crafting recipe:


1 stick

2 emeralds

You will get 1 emerald sword.


Wooden battleaxe:

The first battleaxe.

Here is an image of the wood battleaxe:



Crafting recipe:


2 sticks

1 wood plank (just oak wood for now)

4 wood (just oak wood for now)


Stone battleaxe:

A battleaxe made of stone.



Crafting recipe:


2 sticks

1 pebble

4 cobblestone


Iron battleaxe:

A battleaxe made of iron.



Crafting recipe:


2 sticks

1 iron nugget

4 iron ingots


Golden battleaxe:

A battleaxe made of gold.



Crafting recipe:


2 sticks

1 gold nugget

4 gold ingots


Diamond battleaxe:

A battleaxe made of diamond.



Crafting recipe:



Emerald battleaxe:

A battleaxe made of emerald.



Crafting recipe:

2 sticks

1 emerald nugget

4 emeralds


Quartz battleaxe:

A battleaxe made of quartz.



Crafting recipe:


2 sticks

1 quartz shard

4 quartz


So that are all weapons for now. I hope you like this addo

You have to activate holiday creator features and additional modding capacities.


You wanna comment this addon or wanna suggest something No problem just click this youtube link and then you can write your comment or suggestion into the comments of the video:



You are not allowed to publish this addon on other websites.

You have to credit me if you're making a video about this addon.


If you find issues, just write them into the comments and i will fix them if i can.


An demo version of the next update is now available. Normally u would release a full update but i got some problems with the addon so its not full.

But one i thing that i changed is that the weapons now have durability


Added a demo version of the new update.

The demo includes some new weapons and bug fixes


Click the download button


Wait until an open sign pops up


Click the open button


Normaly minecraft would open automaticly but if not there is a sign called open with: open it with mimecraft!


Let it load


Wait for it to download


Put the resource pack and the behavior into your world


Topic starter Posted : 19/04/2021 10:35 am