Just Structure
Hey, how are you today ?. you are tired of Minecraft structures. with this addon will add some custom structure into the game. this makes for a great game gameplay.
Special Thanks for MACHINE_BUILDER
1. Wandering Trader House.
id : houses:trader_house
Spawns in
Forest, Birch Forest, Plains
Spawn Chance : 0.07

id : houses:trader_house_taiga
Spawn Chance : 0.08

id : houses:trader_house_savanna
Spawn Chance : 0.08

id : houses:trader_house_desert
Spawn Chance : 0.07

2. Castle Tower.
id : castles:tower
Spawns in
Spawn Chance : 0.02

3. Fishing Hut.
id : houses:fishing_hut
Spawns in
Spawn Chance : 0.5

4. Stone.
Spawns in
Drop :

Spawn Chance : 15.0

Spawn Chance : 10.0

Drop :

Spawn Chance : 5.0

Spawn Chance : 4.0

Drop :

Spawn Chance : 5.0

Spawn Chance : 4.0

5. Tree.
id : natures:tree_oak
Spawn in
Forest, Plains
Spawn Chance : 0.3

id : natures:tree_birch

Snowy Tundra
id : natures:tree_spruce
Spawn Chance : 0.6

6. Hidden Basement.
id : ruins:basement
a rare structure, where there is a story behind it.
Spawns in
Dark Forest
Spawn Chance : 0.02

at the y coordinates between 25 - 40
7. Dinosaur Fossil.
id : fossils:dino_skull
Spawns in
Swamp, Desert
Spawn Chance : 0.1

id : fossils:dino_coal

id : fossils:dino_skeleton

at the y coordinates between 0 - 20
8. Cactus.
id : natures:cactus
the cactus is longer.
Spawns in
Spawn Chance : 4.0

id : natures:cactus1
Spawn Chance : 1.0

9. Palm Tree.
id : natures:palm_tree
Spawns in
Spawn Chance : 0.3

id : natures:palm_tree1
Spawn Chance : 0.2

10. Dead Tree.
id : natures:dead_tree
Spawns in
Spawn Chance : 0.5

id : natures:dead_tree1

id : natures:dead_tree2

11. Desert Ruins.
id : ruins:desert_ruins1
Spawns in
Spawn Chance : 0.07

id ; ruins:desert_ruins
Spawn Chance : 0.07

12. Swamp House.
id : houses:swamp_house
Spawns in
Spawn Chance : 0.09

13. Pillager Ship.
id : marine:ship
Spawns in
Spawn Chance : 0.07

14. Raft.
id : marine:raft
Spawns in
Spawn Chance : 0.08

15. Wither Castle.
id : 1. castles:wither_castle_air
2. castles:wither_castle_surface
a dangerous place in which there are hordes wither skeletons.
Spawns in
Soul Sand Valley
Spawn Chance : 0.1

16. Crimson House.
id : houses:crimson_house
Spawns in
Crimson Forest
Spawn Chance : 0.1

id : ruins:crimson_ruin

id : houses:crimson_storage

17. Warped House.
id : houses:warped_house
Spawns in
Warped Forest
Spawn Chance : 0.1

id : runs:warped_ruin

Recipes :

Features :
*Grass On The Surface Loads More.
*Rocks will appear on the surface like ore.
How to load structures with structure block :
Set mode to load

Type id structure

Then click load

That was the structure and features I created and I'm going to update and add some new in the future. thank you.
Important :
1. In version 1.16.210 and above, entities cannot be spawned in the structure, except using the mob spawner.
for lower versions such as 1.16.100 - 1.16.200, entities can still be spawned in the structure.
2. Large Structures load incompletely.
3. When you feel the structures stop spawning, to solve it by deactivating the add-on and reactivating it.
Terms that must be agreed :
> allowed use this addon on any creation with credits
> allowed use this addon on any video with credits
> not allowed provide another download link that i did not provide
> not allowed modify this addon without my permission
Thank you for agreeing to the terms above.
Dont Forget to turn on experimental.

> 0.7 :
- Updated icon pack.
- Improved the spawn percentage of some structures.
- Fix all the structures that will spawn, turning surrounding blocks into air
(replace air with structure void).
- Various fixes and improvements.
- Now the wither castle can be spawn on the surface.
- New structure added.
"Crimson house, Crimson storage, Warped house".
- Deleted Structures.
How to Download :
1. Click the download link
2. Click the free access with ads button

3. Click the discover intresting articels

4. Wait a few seconds
5. Click Continue

creator: Gloose
Delete the previous version before using the latest version.