Kantai Collection Add-on: WW2 Ship Girls & Aircraft
(Update) This addon adds many new mobs to the game. Also aircraft for player. Kantai Collection (Combined Fleet Collection, Kancolle) is a Japanese web browser game. It’s a story about “Kanmusu“(Ship Girls) fight against Abyssal Fleet.
What’s new in 0.0.5:
New vehicle: T-34/85
New Kanmusu: Zara
New Abyssal: Aircraft Carrier Princess Demon
Ship girls will fight against Abyssals. They all have voice lines, taken from the game.
Heavy Cruiser Zara Due
Health: 68/68
Equipped with 4x 203mm/53 Twin Gun Mount.
Aircraft Carrier Hiryu (飛龍)

Battleship Bismarck Zwei

Destroyer Shimakaze (島風)
Health: 36/36
Equipped with 3x 12.7cm dual gun
She will shoot 5x 61cm oxygen torpedo.
Boku Kawauso (I am otter)
Boku Kawauso is a mystery creature originally drawn by voice actor Uchida Shou. Later it became one of the mascots of the game.
Health: 99/99
He only walks around and kills monster. He will not help you.
Once they are defeated you will get lots of experiences or their weapon.
Abyssal Destroyers: I / Ro / Ha / Ni / Na Class
Health: 20/22/24/28/60
The five kinds of destroyers will spawn in the river and ocean. They will float up from the bottom of the sea! They only shoot fireballs and are easily to kill.
Abyssal Aircraft Carrier Demon(空母棲鬼)
Health: 350(Armament)/350
She will not attack you unless you hurt her.
When she is being attacked, she will turn to hostile and summon Abyssal F6Fs to attack you!
Or, You can tame her with some diamonds. So she will follow you and kill mobs.
Abyssal Aviation Battleship Northern Princess (北方棲姫)
Health: 390(Armament)/390

Abyssal Cat Fighter
Battleship Abyssal Pacific Princess (太平洋深海棲姫)
Health: 900(Armor)/900
Equipped with 4x 16inch Mk.VIII Twin Gun Kai
She is very dangerous. You will need many ship girls to fight against her, or they will be killed easily.
New texture for the whale!
I included her battle bgm in the pack. If you like to listen to it please use the command:
/playsound pacific_princess.battle_bgm @p ~ ~ ~ 1 1 1
Once she is defeated you will get her weapon. Long click to shoot bullet.
M4A1 Sherman Duplex Drive

T-34/85 Medium Tank
An improved version of the T-34. Its turret ring was enlarged from 1,425 mm (56 in) to 1,600 mm (63 in), allowing a larger turret to be fitted and thus the larger 85 mm gun.

You need to craft ZiS-S-53 AP cannon shells. Hold it to fire cannon.
Hold iron ingot to fire 7.62mm DP machine guns.

F4U-1D Corsair

Type 3 Fighter Ki-61 Hien hei (244 Sentai)

Type 99 Dive Bomber (Val)
Don’t let your ship girl fight alone! Get on the bomber, and drop the bomb! (Hold a tnt and right click or press the “Drop” button)
Look up to fly, look down to dive straightly.
Known Issues
-Ship girl and abyssal will stop fighting each other randomly.
- zip for manual installation
- New vehicle: T-34/85
- New Kanmusu: Zara
- New Abyssal: Aircraft Carrier Princess Demon
Enable Resource and Behavior packs.
Remember to turn on "Experimental Gameplay" & Allow cheats.
Completely remove old versions before updating.
- How to install manually:
If you cannot import the .mcaddon or cannot see spawn eggs in game, please try to install it manually:
1. Download the .zip file (The second one)
2. Extract it. You will find two folders named "KancolleBP" and " KancolleRP".
3. Move "KancolleRP" folder to internal storage/games/com.mojang/resource_packs
4. Move "KancolleBP" folder to internal storage/games/com.mojang/behavior_packs
creator: https://twitter.com/Ivon852