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MCPE/Bedrock Kawaii Foods Add-on

Illustrious Member Admin

Kawaii Foods Add-on


Tired of the same old minecraft food? This addon adds +70 different foods and some with effects that can be crafted or found in chests in your world. I'm sure you will like it!

The addon consists of kawai foods and some of them contain magical powers.  Some rare items will be found through villages and temples.  our addon also adds foods derived from diamond, red stone, emerald, lapis lazuli, gold and obsidion.


Items that will be found in villages and temples:

Name: Onigiri
Effects: Regeneration 
Nutrition: 10
found in some houses in the villages

Name: Avocado
Effects: Jump_Booster
Nutrition: 16
found in the Jungle Temple

Name: Pitted Avocado
Effects: Jump_Booster
Nutrition: 16
found in the Jungle Temple


Name: Pear
Effects: Invisibility
Nutrition: 14
found in the Jungle Temple

Name: Green Coconut
Effects: Water_Breathing
Nutrition: 16
found in Desert Temple

Name: Coconut
Effects: Water_Breathing
Nutrition: 16
found in Desert Temple

Craftable items:

Name: Lapis_Lazuli Soup
Nutrition: 12

Name: Redstone Soup
Nutrition: 10

Nome: Golden Soup
Nutrition: 14

Name: Emerald Soup
Nutrition: 16

Name: Diamond Soup
Nutrition: 18



Name: Diamond Lollipop
Nutrition: 18

Name: Emerald Lollipop
Nutrition: 18

Name: Redstone Lollipop
Nutrition: 10

Name: Chocolate Lollipop
Nutrition: 8

Name: Golden Lollipop
Nutrition: 12




Name: Redstone Popsicle
Nutrition: 10

Name: Golden Popsicle
Nutrition: 12

Name: Diamond Popsicle
Nutrition: 18

Name: Chocolate Popsicle
Nutrition: 8

Name: Seaweed Popsicle
Nutrition: 8




Name: Green Tea
Nutrition: 10

Name: Apple Juice
Nutrition: 10

Name: Obsidian Juice
Nutrition: 16

Name: Redstone Juice
Nutrition: 10

Name: Diamond Juice
Nutrition: 18

Name: Golden Juice
Nutrition: 14




Name: Diamond Drink
Nutrition: 20

Name: Redstone Drink
Nutrition: 12

Name: Obsidian Drink
Nutrition: 16


Name: Chocolate Drink
Nutrition: 10

Name: Golden Drink
Nutrition: 12

Name: Emerald Drink
Nutrition: 16



Name: Golden Ice Cream
Nutrition: 12

Name: Copper Ice Cream
Nutrition: 10

Name: Strawberry Ice Cream
Nutrition: 10

Name: Green Tea Ice Cream
Nutrition: 10

Name: Redstone Ice Cream
Nutrition: 12

Name: Diamond Ice Cream
Nutrition: 18




Name: Part Of The Coconot
Nutrition: 10


Name: Candy Redstone Fish
Nutrition: 12

Name: Candy Emerald Fish
Nutrition: 20

Name: Candy Golden Fish
Nutrition: 14

Name: Candy Lapis Fish
Nutrition: 12

Name: Candy Chocolate Fish
Nutrition: 10

Name: Candy Diamond Fish
Nutrition: 18




Name: Strawberry Milkshake
Nutrition: 12

Name: Diamond Milkshake
Nutrition: 18

Name: Golden Milkshake
Nutrition: 14

Name: Redstone Milkshake
Nutrition: 14


Name: Milkshake
Nutrition: 10




Name: Grape Thin Popsicle
Nutrition: 10

Name: Blue On Skelwer
Nutrition: 10

Name: Blue Milkshake
Nutrition: 10

Name: Vegetables Soup
Nutrition: 10

Name: Ice Cream Blue
Nutrition: 12

Name: French Fries
Nutrition: 10




Name: Redstone On Skelwer
Nutrition: 12

Name: Golden On Skelwer
Nutrition: 12


Name: Emerald On Skelwer
Nutrition: 20

Name: Strawberry Thin Popsicle
Nutrition: 10




Name: Pink Beet
Nutrition: 8

Name: Life Potion
Nutrition: 6

Note: The life potion gives effect of regeneration.

Name: Rice Pot
Nutrition: 16

Note: The life potion gives effect of resistance.

Name: Seaweed Onigiri
Nutrition: 14




Name: Emerald Thin Popsicle
Nutrition: 20


Name: Redstone Thin Popsicle
Nutrition: 12

Name: Strawberry Cookie
Nutrition: 10

Name: Biodegradable Straw
Nutrition: 2




Name: Chocolate With Biscuit
Nutrition: 12

Name: Chocolate Bar
Nutrition: 8

Name: Ice Cream Cone
Nutrition: 2



And More...


Note: There is also a poisoned apple, which has a poison effect but its nutrition is 16

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- Added 10 more foods to the addon, which are in its description, some sweet fish, drinks, popsicle and others;

- Edited the craft of some foods to balance because they were difficult, also in the description above;

- Fixed some food bugs that didn't show up for the player.


Turn on:

- Holyday Creator Features;

-Creation Of Custom Biomes;

- Additional Moddings Capabilities.


creator: LanDay

Topic starter Posted : 07/09/2021 9:52 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 28/06/2022 3:25 pm