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MCPE/Bedrock Keeper Creeper Add-on - Now With Mini Versions

Illustrious Member Admin

Keeper Creeper Add-on - Now With Mini Versions

Having the ability to keep a creeper as a pet always seemed ... nuts. Absolutely nuts. They explode!! Blow creations to little bits. Blow players to little bits. Blow your favorite mending chestplate, protection IV - to bits. They don't care. Care factor of zero. Who would want one as a pet??

Who wouldn't.

Now available in miniature for easy storage and extra cuteness.


We'll call them Keeper Creepers - creepers that you keep. And, we'll make them very hard to find. And, harder to tame. Because if you want a pet that can blow your house to bits, you should have to work for it.

Mini Keeper Creepers

Find these wee beasties in the mesa biomes, around sunrise or sunset. Tame with gunpowder and they'll follow you around scaring away regular creepers that stray too close. These guys are regular little watchdogs.

Heal them with gunpowder or TNT. Once tamed you're able to sit them.

Regular Keeper Creepers

Regular size and so much more dangerous than their miniature buddies. But they'll fight for you! Just don't light one with a flint and steel. Especially when it's right next to your super duper XP farm. It won't end well. Backup those worlds, people.

You can find these monsters (mostly) where you can find wolves. Taiga biomes. Tame them (haha) TRY to tame them with TNT blocks. You've got a 30 percent chance each TNT block. And less than a second to try it on. Blast Protection is not a bad idea....

You can also breed them! Give them some TNT, and you'll have your very own, very cute, baby Keeper Creeper.

Here's Foxy Da Pirate's cool review, check it out!

Our Youtube channel here!

To the explosive youtubers out there, if you do a review/showcase, thank you! Please link back to *this page*. Cheers!


Added the mini keeper creeper, minor changes and bugfixes elsewhere.

Topic starter Posted : 06/08/2019 2:08 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 20/10/2021 10:58 am