Kill/Death Counter
Is a Plugin for create a kill counter/death counter easy.
Follow the instructions below.
C'est un plugin pour crée un compteur de kill de mort facilement.
Suivez les instructions dessous.
The plugin automatically creates 2 objectifs "kills" and "deaths"
to display them you must use the command "/scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar "kills" or the command "/scoreboard objectives setdisplay sidebar "deaths"
If you want to use a nicer scoreboard use this command:
/titleraw @a actionbar {"rawtext":[{"text":"§6[Scoreboard]§r"},{"text":"\n§e------------§f"},{"text":"\n§dKill : §r"},{"score":{"name":"*","objective":"kills"}},{"text":" §tMort : §r"},{"score":{"name":"*","objective":"deaths"}},{"text":"\n§e------------§f"}]}
Reseting Counters
You can reset the counter by using with the following commands:
- Reset Kill Count for a player: /scoreboard players set [PLAYER_NAME] kills 0
- Reset Death Count : /scoreboard players set [PLAYER_NAME] deaths 0
New Download link
Work on lasted version, Do not forget to activate the experiences and API beta.
Do not forget to activate the experiences and API beta
creator: Dracofou