KITS API is an addon for minecraft bedrock servers or realms or worlds which will allow you to create, claim, delete or view KITS in your world with much ease
When starting the KITS API, if you are a server administrator, you must add the "Admin" tag to be able to create, delete, view kit information, and claim them without limitations. Otherwise, you will not be able to create, delete, view kit information or claim them without limitations! Now that you have this clear, run the command "ka?kits" in chat to open the KITS API form

When creating a kit you have several options and settings, such as:
-Required tag (The player must have a tag in order to claim the kit)
-Cooldown (The player has to wait to claim the kit again) [ex: 2 days]
-Price (The player has to pay for the kit) [I recommend to admins that when they create a priced kit, they put the price in the kit name]
-OnlyOnce (The kit can only be claimed once per player)
The kit will take all the items in your inventory (Except for off-hand slots and armor slots).

This module will allow you to remove a kit from the database, to delete it you have to select it in the dropdown the kit you want to remove (all the current kits on the server will appear in the dropdown) and followed by this write "CONFIRM" in capital letters and without the quotes and the kit will be eliminated, if you write anything else nothing will happen, it will only return you to the form

When you want to see a kit, you will get a list of the existing kits and clicking send will take you to a form where you can see the following information about the kit:
-Description { string }
-Required tag (The player must have a tag in order to claim the kit) { string }
-Cooldown (The player has to wait to claim the kit again) [ex: 10 mins] { string }
-Price (The player has to pay for the kit) { number }
-OnlyOnce (The kit can only be claimed once per player) { boolean }
-ItemCount (The number of slots that the kit items occupy) { number }
-Created At (When the kit was created) { string }

In order to claim a kit, your server members will have to pass all limitations before they can claim it.
-If the kit has "RequiredTag" the member must have the tag set for that kit, in order to claim it.
-If the kit has a "Cooldown", the player will be able to claim it but to be able to claim it again they will have to wait until the cooldown ends
-if the kit has the flag "onlyOnce" when the player claims the kit, they will not be able to claim it again.
-If the kit has a "price", the player will have to have enough money to be able to claim it and it will be discounted, if he does not have enough money, nothing will be discounted and the kit will not be given to the player
Note: If you are an administrator, none of these limitations will bother you when you want to claim the kit.



After you have already claimed a only once kit:

important things about Kit Create
By puttin a required tag, if the member does not have it, it will deny them permission to claim that kit and show them a message saying they do not have permission
The cooldown serves so that members cannot claim the kit immediately, but each member must claim it every certain time established according to what time they claimed it to be able to do it again.
Format: The cooldown must be put in a certain format so that there are no errors, it can be milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks and years
-2 ms
-5 secs
-5 seconds
-10 mins
-10 minutes
-2 hours
-10 hours
-26 weeks
-2 years
(Although it is recommended not to exceed so much with the cooldown)
By activating this option, the kit can only be claimed once per member
If the price is greater than 0, members will be charged to claim this kit, they will have to pass all limitations before
-The prefix is 'ka?'
-The command is 'kits'
-The admin tag is "Admin"
-The text required to open the KITS API ui is "[KITS-API]"
-The tag required to open the KITS API ui is "KITSAPI-UI"
What's new?
1-Updated KITS API to work on 1.19.80+ (Fix)
2-Fixed a bug that displayed incorrect kit information (Bug Fix)
3- Added Armor and Offhand slots support (New, Hot)
4- Added a feature to open KITS API through a tag: "KITSAPI-UI" (New)
5- Added a feature to open KITS API through Sign text: "[KITS-API]" (New)