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MCPE/Bedrock Konosuba Items Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

Konosuba Items Addon

This addon adds some of the items from the famous isekai anime 'Kono Subarashii Sekai Ni Shukufuku Wo!' You can get to be Megumin and use her explosions, or Aqua with her undead-killing staff and her God Blow, or Yunyun using the fireball spell!


Items in this addon are:

1. Megumin's Staff

  • Deals 200 damage (can be compared to Ender Dragon which has 200 health as well)
  • Has an explosion power about 3x more powerful than TNT (can obliterate a small house easily)

After using it:

Crafting recipe:


2. Yunyun's Wand 

  • Deals 40 damage
  • Spreads fire after exploding
  • Has and explosion power stronger than a ghast's but weaker than TNT

After using:

Crafting recipe:


3. Aqua's Staff Core (not a weapon)

  • Used as a base ingredient for crafting items related to Aqua

Crafting recipe:


4. Aqua's Staff 

  • Only used against undead mobs, doesn't affect regular mobs
  • Is powerful against undead (can kill a zombie in two hits)
  • Has infinite uses ( A bit too OP I say?)

After using:

Crafting recipe:


5. Aqua's God Blow 

  • When held, grants regeneration 2 and also a slight speed boost, plus extra 2 health
  • Pretty powerful with 100 damage (Can kill an iron golem in 1 hit)
  • Although powerful, has weak durability for balance

After using:

Crafting recipe:


Addon Showcase Video:



Installing the addon (MCPE):

1. Locate the addon file in your downloads folder.

2. Press the file. Minecraft should automatically do it and import the file after opening it.

Topic starter Posted : 16/05/2021 5:49 pm