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Light Saber 2D
Hey! Finding new addons? Well try this addon called Light Saber 2D, it has weapons, armors and even more which this addon also supported Multiplayer or Single Player and this addon also supported Survival Mode too and you can craft sabers, armors and tools! Enjoy it now!! THIS ADDON IS ALSO PVP (PLAYER VS PLAYER)
You must follow these Guides!
If you wanna craft some weapons (sabers) heres the crafting recipes.
Each sabers have different colors and DP (Damage Points)
You just gonna need any color of Dye and craft Saber Handle using
- 2 Iron Ingots and you must craft it on Crafting Table
Red Saber

Blue Saber

Green Saber

Orange Saber

Purple Saber

Yellow Saber

White Saber

Armor Preview
They are 4 different Armors with different Durability

I recently added special new Armors called Daft Punk

Always to Turn On Experimental Gameplay
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Topic starter Posted : 28/06/2022 3:56 pm