Lightsaber Sequel Addon (STAR WARS)
This is a great Addon,please use version 1.14 or higher and use Experimental gameplay. There are too many lightsabers and other weapons. Restored most of Lightsabers in Star Wars, 64 Pixels made a lot of details.
For this Addon, please use version 1.14 or higher and use Experimental gameplay.
Lightsaber Making Table and Lightsaber Upgrading Table will be used in making Lightsabers. Prior to this, players need Kyber Crystal to make Lightsabers.
Handheld Blaster(10 attack dmg) and long tap or right clink to shot.
Handheld Lightsaber and long tap or right clink to turn it.
Holocron will be used for get Force skills.
Different colors for Lightsaber:
Purple (Rare)
White (Rare)
Yellow (Rare)
Different type or hilts for Lightsaber:
Standard Lightsaber
Crossguard Lightsaber
Curved-Hilt Lightsaber
Double-Bladed Lightsaber
Double-Bladed Spinning Lightsaber (Rare)
Lightsaber Pike (Rare)
Darksaber (Rare)
Kyber Crystal is a very rare ore, generated in Overworld, dig to get it!
This Addon may not be compatible with other Addons, please load it first to get a better experience.
And more.
Have fun!
If you want to review/make a video about this content, at least credit me in the video/description
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If you wish to use this for your content, at least credit me.
You may copy/paste this for your content as well if you wish.
如果您希望將其用於內容,請至少使用我的信譽 。
(These texts copy from CodanRaigen21’s Addon Introduction. And I am still the creator of this Addon.)
New NPCs:
Treadspeeder Driver
Knight of Ren
Tusken Raider
First Order Jet Trooper
Sith Jet Trooper
New weapons:
Ion Blaster
Gaderffii Stick
Ap'lex's Vibro Ax
Kuruk's Blaster Rifle
Trudgen's Vibrocleaver
Ushar's War Club
Cardo's Arm Cannon
Vicrul's Scythe
Push Force
Absorption Force
Sprint Force
First Order Stormtrooper Monitor Shoulder Pad
First Order Stromtrooper Military Officer Shoulder Pad
First Order Stormtrooper Sergeant Shoulder Pad
New textures for vanilla armors
New GUI texture and texts
Fixed BUGs
Rewrite codes for something
And more.
To download the mcaddon file in Mediafire.
Use Minecraft to open and install the mcaddon file.