M Functions Pack v1.2.4 (Pixels Art with Functions)
My first Addon, I will post the updates here.
I will add thousands of commands. Any tips or opinions? Comment.
Addon to facilitate some people to create maps, among other things.
PvP Arena and Secret Mobs is here!!! (by requests)
• Addon by Maat and ihategravel •
/function diamondpack : Adds a Pack of Diamond Items to your inventory.
/function goldpack : Adds a Pack of Gold Items to your inventory.
/function ironpack : Adds a Pack of Iron Items to your inventory.
/function starterpack : Add a pack of items to start your survival!
/function stonepack : Adds a Pack of Stone Items to your inventory.
/function woodpack : Adds a Pack of Wood Items to your inventory.
/function creeper_charged : Spawn the electrocuted creeper.
/function night_vision : Activates infinite night vision.
/function fly_on : Enables the option to fly in survival. (need to activate the education edition option)
/function fly_off : Disables the option to fly in survival. (need to activate the education edition option)
/function kill_a : Kill all players and mobs.
/function instant_healing : It heals quickly.
/function clear : Clear your inventory and potions effects.
/function ender_dragon : Spawn ender dragon in world.
/function wither_boss : Spawn wither boss in world.
/function zombie_villager : Spawn zombie villager.
/function skeleton_h_t : Spawn 4 skeleton horsemen.
/function ravager_frwer : Spawn an evoker riding ravager.
/function ravager_sfrwpr : Spawn a pillager riding ravager, but the pillager drops special loot upon death.
/function ravager_swpcr : Spawn a pillager riding ravager, but the pillager is raid captain.
/function ravager_swpr : Spawn a pillager riding ravager.
/function ravager_swvcr : Spawn a vindicator riding ravager, but the vindicator is raid captain.
/function ravager_swvr : Spawn a vindicator riding ravager.
/function ender_crystal : Spawn ender crystal in world.
/function barrier : Give 64 barrier in your inventory.
/function xp : Gives a large amount of experience to you.
/function explode_sound : Plays an explosion sound.
/function weather_t_s : Plays a thunder sound.
/function stop_sounds : To stop all sounds for all players.
/function baby_fox : Spawn baby fox in world.
/function baby_turtle : Spawn baby turtle in world.
/function baby_polar_b : Spawn baby polar bear in world.
/function freeze_mobs : Freezes all mobs near you.
/function invisibility : Becomes invisible infinitely.
/function stray_melee : Spawn stray is in melee mode.
/function stray_ranged : Spawn stray is in ranged mode.
/function rabbit_d : Spawn desert rabbit.
/function rabbit_s : Spawn snow rabbit.
/function pig_saddled : Spawn pig with saddle.
/function llama_w_c : Spawn llama with chest.
/function mule_saddled : Spawn mule saddled.
/function mule_w_c : Spawn mule with chest.
/function donkey_saddled : Spawn donkey saddled.
/function donkey_w_c : Spawn donkey with chest.
/function no_hungry : You don’t feel hungry anymore.
/function lightning : Lightning appears in front of you.
/function clear_drops : All items on the floor will disappear.
/function baby_z : Spawn baby zombie in world.
/function p_captain : Spawn pillager captain in world.
/function adm_pack : Gives you admin items.
/function unfreeze_mobs : Unfreeze the mobs, by requests.
/function end_of_m : Teleports you to the end of the map.
/function powered_s : You get a very strong sword.
/function powered_p : You get a very strong pickaxe.
/function archerpack : Gives you archer equipment.
/function powered_t : You get a very strong trident.
/function powered_cb : You get a very strong crossbow.
/function powered_shovel : You get a very strong shovel.
/function powered_fd : You get a very strong fishing rod.
/function powered_a : You get a very strong axe.
/function powered_b : You get a very strong bow.
/function p_essential : Gives you the best potions.
/function void : Remove all blocks below you, which leads to the void.
/function 100chicken : Spawn 100 chicken.
/function 200chicken : Spawn 200 chicken.
/function 300chicken : Spawn 300 chicken.
/function 100cow : Spawn 100 cow.
/function 200cow : Spawn 200 cow.
/function 300cow : Spawn 300 cow.
/function lag : spawn 1000 turtles in world.
SPECIAL FUNCTION : Song Hotel Calafornia (BY: ihategravel)
/function song/tick : Required to play music. (Repeating command block)
/function song/load : Load the music.
/function song/playing : Music data.
/function song/play : Start playing the music.
/function song/pause : Pause the music.
/function song/stop : Stop playing music.
– How to do the song :
1. Repeating command block with function song/tick
2. function song/load
3. function song/play
to stop and reset :
4. function song/stop
|—– RECIPES —–|
1. New craft : Portal
2. New craft : End Portal
3. New craft : Bat egg
4. New craft : Bee egg
5. New craft : Blaze egg
6. New craft : Cat egg
7. New craft : Cave Spider egg
8. New craft : Chicken egg
9. New craft : Cow egg
10. New craft : Fish egg
11. New craft : Ocelot egg
12. New craft : Parrot egg
13. New craft : Pig egg
14. New craft : Wolf egg
15. New craft : Agent egg (need to activate the education edition option)
16. New craft : Camera egg
17. New craft : NPC egg (need to activate the education edition option)
18. New craft : Saddle
19. New craft : Name Tag
20. New craft : Experience Bottle
21. New craft : Totem
22. New craft : Barrier
23. New craft : Horse armor gold
24. New craft : Horse armor diamond
25. New craft : Trident
26. New craft : Heart of the Sea
27. New craft : Elytra
28. New craft : Minecart with Command Block
29. New craft : Monsters Spawner
30. New craft : Lava Cauldron
31. New craft : Lava
32. New craft : Water
33. New craft : Light Block
34. New craft : Turtle egg
35. New craft : Balloon (need to activate the education edition option)
36. New craft : Jigsaw Block
37. New craft : Structure Block
38. New craft : Structure Void
Warning: Crafts can change.
1. Spawn PvP Arena. (BY: ihategravel)
/function structures/arena
2. Spawn Tree.
/function structures/tree
3. Spawn House. (BY: ihategravel)
/function structures/house
4. Spawn Tree TNT.
/function structures/treetnt
5. Spawn Big TNT.
/function structures/bigtnt
6. Spawn Comic (Pixel Art, by ihategravel)
/function comic/comic1
/function comic/comic2
/function comic/comic3
/function comic/comic4
7. Spawn Mona (Pixel Art, by ihategravel)
/function mona/mona1
/function mona/mona2
/function mona/mona3
8. Spawn Van Star (Pixel Art, by ihategravel)
/function van/star1
/function van/star2
/function van/star3
/function van/star4
Activate the experimental gameplay and education edition, to work correctly…
More features coming soon! Thanks!
Added 3 new pixel arts with commands. (BY IHATEGRAVEL)
Fixed errors and bugs.
1. Click the blue button below the page "Clique aqui para prosseguir"
2. Wait 10 seconds.
3. Press the second green button "Obter Link"
4. Download the file, and double-click it to open directly in minecraft.
5. Do not turn on notifications.
6. Or watch this video :
1. Wait 5 seconds.
2. Press in "Close advertisement"
3. Wait until you close the page and open mediafire.
4. Do not turn on notifications.