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MCPE/Bedrock True Survival - Reign of Fire (V1.0 Orcs & Dragons)

Illustrious Member Admin

True Survival - Reign of Fire (V1.0 Orcs & Dragons)

Welcome to True Survival - Reign of Fire (Formally Magic Craft)
The world of Fantasy has entered Minecraft, you will encounter Orcs and Fairies etc. Some Mobs are Passive and some are hostile. You will need to hunt down structures for special items to make potions to tame your very own Dragon. Good Luck

This add-on is in a very early stage of development, We intend to update just as often as we have done with True Survival - Zombie Apocalypse, so check back often. 




The True Survival series always try's to bring a sense of difficulty to Minecraft, This add-on will be no different, You will encounter Mobs that will try anything to kill you but you will also have the chance to find Passive Mobs that will in one way or another help you along yor way

This is Version one, More and more mobs and Gameplay will be added update by update


The Gameplay

You will start with nothing but little by little you will gain the experience and weapons you need to make the gameplay easier.

Wild Dragons will attack players when seen, if you manage to kill one it will fall and die.

When the Dragons are in there dead state you will have very little time to loot. Use an Orcish Knife to Loot the Corpse.

This will be the only way to obtain a Dragon Egg


Orcs will attack players when seen, if you manage to kill one, they have a chance of dropping their weapon, Use an Orcish Knife to loot the Orc Corpse for Orc Flesh



The Dragons

The Common Green and Red Dragons will spawn anywhere, they are the most common and weakest of the dragons that will introduced into this add-on

Wild Common Dragons will attack players on sight, if your lucky enough to kill one you may get a Dragon Egg

You can loot the Dragon Corpses for these items:

Common = Dragon Meat x 1
Common = Dragon Meat x 2
Uncommon = Red Dragon Scale x 1
Uncommon = Green Dragon Scale x 1
Rare = Common Dragon Fang x 1
Super Rare = Common Red Dragon Egg x 1
Super Rare = Common Green Dragon Egg x 1

When you have your Dragon egg it's time to start hatching it.

Set fire to a Block

Place your Dragon Egg inside the Fire 

Put the fire out and wait to the Egg to stop burning

Now the Dragon Egg has had a little heat it will start to hatch. The Hatching time of a Common Dragon is 1 hour. 

When the Dragon Egg Hatches you will have your very own Baby Dragon

You will need to Tame the Baby Dragon with a Taming Potion.

Once Tamed you can make your Baby Dragon sit, if it is not sitting it will follow you around.

Feed you Dragon Orc Flesh to speed you growth

When your Dragon is fully grown you can attach a Saddle.

Once Saddled you can ride your Dragon and take flight



The Fairies


Fairies are passive mobs that just go around their day causing no harm to anyone. If you give them a Gold Nugget they will give you some Fairy Dust.


The Orcs


Common Orc

The Common Orc will Spawn anywhere
The Common Orc will attack players if they get to close
The Common Orc will have 30 HP
The Common Orc will Attack with an Orcish Knife


Armored Orc

The Armored Orc will Spawn anywhere
The Armored Orc will attack players if they get to close
The Armored Orc will have 60 HP
The Armored Orc will Attack with an Orcish Axe




Potions Table


The Potions Table can be crafted using this recipe

The Potions Table will be needed to craft all the Potions for Taming and Healing Dragons

Common Dragon Healing Potion


Common Green Dragon Taming Potion


Common Red Dragon Taming Potion


Using a normal Crafting Table and Furnace

Powdered Dragon Fang


Cooked Orc Flesh



Structures will spawn around your world, travel far and wide to make sure you find all of them

Orchish Hut


Fairy Tree


Any issues please comment below, Remember to play in experimental mode to enjoy this addon.

Get the lastest information about upcoming features in our discord



Download both back and activate all experimental features to enjoy this add-on


Topic starter Posted : 10/12/2021 6:23 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 07/02/2022 4:25 pm