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Magical Crops Addon (1.12+)
Ever wanted more types of crops that give you special apon consumption? Well this adds new types of food that are somewhat similar to the golden apple and enchanted golden apple! Very useful for going on adventures as you can get some great effects!
The magical crops addon adds new types of carrots, potatoes, and beetroots to eat in your Minecraft worlds. Each crop will give you a specific effect depending on the material or food it's based off of!
you can see the video below for all tiers and effects!

- /function carrots (GIVES ALL CARROTS)
- /funtion potatoes (GIVES ALL POTATOES)
- /function beetroots (GIVES ALL BEETROOTS)
I would like to thank ModCorners for helping me update the addon!
1) Items Now Show In Inventory
2) Supports 1.19
3) All Effects Now Work
4) All Recipies Are Now Fixed
5) Golden Carrot Now Works
Terms of Use
- If you want to review or make a video about this content, please credit me in the video or description!
- Don't use your own link, use the proper link!
- If you wish to use this for your own world creations, please credit me!
- DO NOT take ANYTHING from the addon without permission
- Enjoy and Have Fun!
Experimental Options

Topic starter Posted : 18/07/2022 5:30 pm