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MCPE/Bedrock Magnificent Burning Lands [Beta] (+6 NEW Biomes for Nether)

Illustrious Member Admin

Magnificent Burning Lands [Beta] (+6 NEW Biomes for Nether)


Not enough content in the Nether? This addon expands the Nether by adding new biomes, mobs, items to make the Nether better and more interesting. For some features, enable "Wild Update" in experimental settings!

this addon is currently in a BETA state!

new biomes will be in future versions

This addon is not compatible with any other addons that modify player behaviour



Difficulty: normal

Fire Wastes

Difficulty: normal

Lava Swamp

Warped Grasslands

Spawns after 5000 by X or Z

Nether Wart Forest

Spawns after 5000 by X or Z

Nether Thermal Springs
Biome is very empty because there are problems with optimization:/

Spawns after 5000 by X or Z


Rotten Skeleton

Has 4 variants

Spawn: Fleshlands

Slow skeleton archer.

Hp: 20

Armless skeleton with normal movement speed.

Hp: 20

Fast and weak skeleton.

Hp: 15

Very fast and very weak skeleton head.

Hp: 10



Very aggressive. when calm, can upgrade glowstone to glowcrystal shard or nether wart block to fire wart(1-3)

Spawn: Fire Wastes

Hp: 15

Damage: 3-5


Lava Turtle

Very strong turtle, can walk on lava like a strider, has a child variant. Can also be saddled with an iron saddle and upgraded with upgrades. Also eats nether sugar

Spawn: Lava Swamp

Hp: 50(adult), 15(baby)

Damage: 5-12


Warped Sheep

Teleported after damage, can be cut, it eats warped flowers that can be cut from warped bushes

Spawn: Warped Grasslands

Hp: 16

Damage: Peaceful


Warped Ram

Teleported after damage, rarely after death drops glow horns(1-2)

Spawn: Warped Grasslands

Hp: 40

Damage: 6-10


Nether Wart Creeper

Faster than a creeper, its explosion is poisonous, spawns nether wart spores and does not destroy blocks

Spawn: Nether Wart Forest

Hp: 20


Nether Wart Spore

Faster than a creeper, does not destroy blocks

Spawn: After the explosion of the nether wart creeper

Hp: 8



If the player is far, he shoots large fireballs, if close, he shoots small fireballs. Rarely after death drops magma heart

Spawn: Nether Thermal Springs

Hp: 50


Glow Amulet

You are not attacked by glowbeetles when you hold the amulet in your right hand / left hand


Rotten Boomerang

It can be thrown, it picks up things.


Undead Fragment

To get it you need to find in the biome bones overgrown with flesh and click on them with shears(30% chance)


Lava Turtle Shell Piece

Drops when baby lava turtle grows up


Lava Turtle Helmet

Adds fire immune


Lava Turtle Shield

Does not break and gives fire resistance



Can be crafted from 9 glowcrystal shards


Glow Staff

Shoots projectiles that summon 3 friendly glowbeetles. Cooldown 40 seconds


Nether Sugar

Crafted from nether cane. It can be eaten


Nether Sugar On A Stick

Hold in hand to control the lava turtle


Lava Turtle Upgrades

The lava turtle can be upgraded after equipping the iron saddle

Spawn: piglin barter


Glow horn

When used gives everyone around the effect of weakness


Upgraded Glow horn

When used gives everyone around the effect of weakness and slowness


Horned Helmet

Hurt everyone around


Horned Helmet

Hurt everyone around


Nether Wart Bomb

Works like a fireball, also poisons and spawns a nether wart spore


Bottle of nether wart spore

To get, you need to collect a nether wart spore in a bottle


Magma Staff

Spawns magma spikes, under mobs that are around you


Infernal Dagger

hold to make a dash


Nether Wart Spores Block

Poisons if you step on the block



Click on it with a bottle of nether wart spore to get a jar of nether wart spore


Nether Wart Spore Jar

Click on it when it is overgrown with nether wart spores

Other Features
  • Hoglins drop hogchop, not porkchop
  • When remelting soul sand, you can get soul glass



New Update!

  • Added 3 new biomes
  • Added 5 new mobs
  • Added many new blocks and items
  • Bug Fixes


For some features, enable "Wild Update" in experimental settings!

mod has English, Russian and Ukrainian localization

creator: SunnierFern1756

Topic starter Posted : 13/04/2022 3:34 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 25/08/2022 6:22 pm