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MCPE/Bedrock Marvel Armours V1 (Spider Man, Iron Man & More!)

Illustrious Member Admin

Marvel Armours V1 (Spider Man, Iron Man & More!)

Have you ever wanted to be Spider Man in minecraft ?Have you ever wanted to be Iron Man in minecraft ?Have you ever wanted to be Ant Man in minecraft ?Have you ever wanted to be DeadPool In minecraft ?if you have ever wanted any of these things this add-on is perfect for you this add-on is also perfect for survival and cosplay 


Marvel Armours

Perfect for Survival and cosplay



New Type Of Crafting Table

Need Fabricator To Craft Marvel Armours 

Requires 3 Iron Blocks, 5 Iron Ingots And Crafting Table



Red Leather 

Required to craft deadpool and spider man armour 

Requires 2 Redstone blocks, 1 leather, 2 red dye and 4 mushrooms


Deadpool Armour  (Boots, Chestplate, Helmet, Leggings)


Deadpool Leggings

Protection : 9

Health : 24

Requires 7 Red leather to craft



Deadpool Helmet

Health : 24

Protection : 9

Requires 5 Red Leather to craft


Deadpool Chestplate

Protection : 9

Health : 24

Requires 8 Red Leather to craft


Deadpool Boots

Health : 24

Protection : 9

Requires 4 Red leather to craft


Armour on an armour stand  (full set)

Deadpool Helmet, Deadpool Chestplate, Deadpool Leggings and Deadpool Boots



Ant Man Armour 

(boots, chestplate, helmet and leggings)



Ant Man Helmet

Health : 20

Protection : 7

Requires 3 redstone blocks and 2 iron ingots to craft


Ant Man Chestplate

Health : 20

Protection : 7

Requires 2 redstone blocks, 3 redstone, 1 copper block and 2 iron ingot


Ant Man Leggings 

Health : 20

Protection : 7

Requires 2 redstone blocks, 2 copper blocks and 3 iron ingots to craft

Ant Man Boots

Health : 20

Protection : 7

Requires 2 copper blocks and 2 redstone to craft


Armour on a armour stand

(boots, chestplate, leggings and helmet)



If you wish for this add-on to get more updated 

extra support like subbing to my youtube and liking my videos will be a great help


Showcase : 

creator: Amber Mods



Press the Download Button


Topic starter Posted : 30/08/2021 12:00 pm