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Mat383’s Mat383 Addon v1.2.7
Over the past few months, I have been making an addon that adds a variety of fun and useful blocks, items, crafting recipes, and re-textured content.
(Tested in 1.12, should work in betas)
This addon adds a ton of new items, blocks, crafting recipes, and re-textured content. Here is a huge list of it all:
Ballons | Fly without an Elytra!
- Block of Potatoes | A more efficient way to store potatoes!
- Emeralds have been replaced with the Australian Dollar | Same with blocks of emeralds!
- Obamium | A superfood and used to make Blocks of Obama!
- Block of Obama | A glorious building block!
- Block of Block of Obama | An even more glorious building block!
- Totems have been replaced with ObamaCare | Now craftable (see below)!
- Beating Stick | Novelty item, deals a whopping 1 damage!
- All forms of slime are now red | Because why not?
- Tridents are now green | Because why not?
- Creepers are now blue and smiley | Because why not?
- Phantoms have been replaced with magpies | They’re pretty much the same thing!
- All paintings have been changed to either random images or pictures made by Mat383 in his spare time.
- Menu has been given a new look | I was just tired of the old menu tbh
- Vodka | Actually kinda good?
- Music Disc 13 has been replaced with the Soviet National Anthem | Communism has joined the game!
- Rideable Players | Piggyback Rides in Minecraft!
- Leashable Players | Borderline Handcuffs!
- Name Tagable Players | They’ll never know!
- A crafting recipe for Bottles o’ Enchanting | Finally!
- A crafting recipe for Water Tiles | Not really that exciting!
- More loading screen tips | Sometimes useful!
- New splash texts | Creativity not included!
- Renamed Wandering Trader to Free Leads | Pretty accurate!
- Better death messages | Because dying isn’t fun enough!
Known Bugs
- Leads cannot pull players | Reason unknown
- Other players can’t eat food items in multiplayer | Reason unknown and frustrating
- Killing Pillager Captains crashes the game | This is because the code responsible for getting and using Bad Omen was interfering with the code for the Balloon, so it had to be scrapped and now it crashes the game. This will be fixed in the near future. It’s also the reason why Totems were re-textured and given a crafting recipe.
Topic starter Posted : 23/10/2019 10:10 am