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MCPE/Bedrock Mechanical Spawners v1.0 New mobs will come soon!

Illustrious Member Admin

Mechanical Spawners v1.0 New mobs will come soon!


Are you looking for a new way to create mob farms or get resources? These mechanical spawners that work similar to vanilla ones could help you, and best of all, you can do it with the mob you want. In the future you can make improvements and customize the spawner to meet your needs!

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Mechanical Spawners, adds a new way of making mob farms. They work similar to vanilla spawners, but instead of using the eggs, they the essence of the mob, which you need to craft.

Crafting of the Spawners

In order to make the spawner, you will need to craft the spawner core.

Then using the spawner core you can craft the mechanical spawner with the following recipe.

Crafting of the essences


The mechanical spawners works with a new item, called "essence", which changes depending on the mob. First we need to create the Essence Vessel in a crafting table. 


With the essence vessel we can start crafting the essences of each mob, which in this case only exist 8 for now. Using the brewing stand where potions are normally made, we will place the essence vessel and a drop from the mob. The objects depending on each mob are the following:

  • Zombie: Rotten flesh
  • Skeleton: Bone
  • Creeper: Gunpowder
  • Spider: Spider eye
  • Slime: Slime ball
  • Cow: Leather
  • Pork: Raw porkchop
  • Sheep: Wool
  • Enderman: Ender Pearl
  • Blaze: Blaze rod
  • Chicken: Chicken
  • Mooshroom Cow: Mushroom stew
  • Magma cube: Magma cream
  • Hoglin: Cooked Porkchop
  • Wither skeleton: Wither head

How to use the spawners

To place the essence in the spawner, you will simply have to put the essence of the mob in your hand and right click or use it in the spawner. If you did it correctly you will see how the texture will have changed, and the mob's face will appear. If you want to remove the essence either to change it or leave it empty, you must do the same but using the essence container, this will return it to its original state. You must make sure that there are no blocks touching the spawner for it to work correctly, since if a block is attached to it, it will not summon the mobs. This can be very useful when designing a spawner on and off system.

If these conditions are met, the spawner will try to summon 1 mob on each side every 5-15 seconds with a probability of 25%, this means that it may or may not summon any or 4 at the same time.





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creator: Dorios Craft

Topic starter Posted : 01/04/2024 2:25 pm