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MCPE/Bedrock Megalodon and Grasshoppers Add-On

Illustrious Member Admin

Megalodon and Grasshoppers Add-On

First of all - why that's name of addon? The fact is that the genus "Megalodon" includes taxa, that are not related to the giant shark (including the genus of grasshoppers and some bivalve molluscs). That's why, this add-on named Megalodon and Grasshoppers. 



If you're scaring of sharks, get ready to become a worried bunny, when you see our hero - Megalodon, biggest carnivorous fish ever!

Megalodons could be found in warm oceans, where they hunting they main prey: squids, dolphins, sea turtles, other sharks and whales. Swimming in the sea now is a dangerous thing! Be very careful, because megalodon could made a mistake and thought, that you prey and kill you (also it could be when megalodon mistake you with drowneds, like in real life).

Here some screenshots with megalodon:

Sometimes you can found baby megalodons, that will be passive and avoiding adult ones, that will hunt them.

You can also make an aquarium to them. But no matter how small and friendly they are, sooner and later - they will grow into monsters with the same appetite.


Because of the sizes - megalodon could break coral and prismarine blocks, that could make a lot of glitches in your world!



Grasshoppers are small,  cute-looking arthropods, that could be found on a sunflower plaiins or in flower forest. You could kill them and get a new food - grasshopper leg, that you can bake.

Or, you can tame them and they will guard you from enemies.


Add-On adds 6 new items, that are stuff of new mobs.

-Shark meat(raw and cooked) - drops from megalodon;

-Grasshopper legs(also raw and cooked) - drops from grasshoppers;

-Megalodon teeth - drops from megalodon;

-Shark sword



How to download add-on:

Step 1. Download it here.

Step 2. Active it in a game and be able to active experimental gameplay in settings.

Step 3. Enjoy!

Topic starter Posted : 11/07/2021 11:22 am