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MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft Bedrock…A Drow’s Life

Illustrious Member Admin

Minecraft Bedrock…A Drow’s Life


“The Drow”… a mysterious dark elf that lives underground (like Dwarves). They are very magical creatures (usually Evil). Often there are wars underground between the Drow and the Dwarves. Occasionally, a Drow Raiding Party will go to the surface at night and raid a village for different and unusual (for the Drow anyways) items to take back underground to their home, like wood, for example.. Sometimes the Villagers don’t survive the raid…


Minecraft Bedrock…A Drow’s Life

In this add-on, You are the Drow! Light is very painful to you (this is not like a zombie burning in the sun, i.e. a helmet does not help). But on a good side, you have permanent Night Vision (sometimes called infravision) to see well underground without using any light sources! (If you loose Night Vision for any reason ie. milk, going thru End Portal etc., just log off and back in again), you also have an affinity with spiders. Drow are often seen riding them!

If you know my map “The Drow”, you will understand this add-on. In the original “The Drow”, you start in a village, find a cave full of Drow, and suffer to rid yourself of them.

In this add-on, You are the Drow! Light is very painful to you (this is not like a zombie burning in the sun, i.e. a helmet does not help). But on a good side, I have permanent Night Vision to see well underground without using any light sources! (If you loose Night Vision for any reason ie. milk, going thru End Portal etc., just log off and back in again) you also have an affinity with spiders! (Upgraded Pet Spider Pack)

You can play a Drow on any seed. Just create a new world, include the pack, and start!

Warning…the beginning can be very dangerous, as you will probably spawn in the bright early morning sun…you better find shelter quickly…or it will be a short game 🙂


This is going to be very dangerous!

How long can you last?

Pack Changes include:


  • Lava Damage reduced from 4 hearts damage to 2 hearts damage.
  • Get to close to any light source about light level 12 or above and take 2 hearts of damage.
  • Constant Night Vision (if you loose this effect i.e. milk, end portal, etc., just log off and back in again…your Night Vision will be refreshed)


  • Will not attack player (Day or Night)
  • Can be tamed by riding like a horse until they like you
  • They love rotten flesh!
  • Can be saddled and ridden like a horse
  • Will follow you around (similar to a dog)
  • Can have leads attached
  • Upgraded speed and jump ability
  • No fall damage (from any height), while riding.


For more information on the original “The Drow” Map: The Drow

Twitch Channel: Twitch

I made a short series on YouTube using this pack called “A Drow’s Life”. Check it out here…YouTube

Patreon: Patreon

Website: SpunkieMunkie Website

SpunkieMunkie Discord Server: Spunkie Discord

Planet Minecraft: Planet Minecraft

Twitter: Twitter


Facebook: SpunkieMunkie Facebook


Added more description to the description of the pack for more detail and explaination..



You can play a Drow on any seed. Just create a new world, include the pack, and start!


Warning...the beginning can be very dangerous, as you will probably spawn in the bright early morning better find shelter quickly...or it will be a short game 🙂




Topic starter Posted : 01/11/2020 11:36 am