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MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft, But Anvils Fall Every Minute

Illustrious Member Admin

Minecraft, But Anvils Fall Every Minute



While some players may find Minecraft to be difficult enough on its own, this add-on adds a new challenge to your world, as indicated by the title.

So, good luck and have a good time.



There are a few things in this add-on that you can try out.


Showcase (outdated)



Normal Mode

Anvils fall every 60 seconds with warnings when the timer only has 5 seconds left.


Hard Mode 

Anvils fall at a random time with no timer or warning so you better keep an eye out at the sky.



Troll Mode

Every round, one of the following will be picked at random. Anvils, TNT, jerries, snowballs


Impossible Mode (NEW)

The sky is showering anvils (Note: this mode is very laggy depending on the device you are using)

Toggleable Clean Mode 

This is basically to enhance your fps in-game, and it works by removing the anvils after they've landed on the ground so they don't stack up and cause latency; it's usually for low-end devices, but it gives you an advantage by removing the obstacles.


Spectator Mode

Sets you in spectator mode so you could watch your friends play the game.


Please note that this addon is currently in beta so you may find bugs within it and overall, many improvements could be made.



You are free to use this add-on in your video as long as you include a link to this page in the description.

This addon may not be redistributed elsewhere, nor may you make your own direct download link.



Few more things: I do NOT take any credit for the main idea, I just simply recreated it to bedrock edition


Follow my twitter @kibab2396

Subscribe to my youtube channel too!

Credits to Xykqe678 for the idea of troll mode



  • Fixed multiplayer compatibility issues with Troll Mode (It's around 90% solved, but I can't seem to get multiplayer to function properly. It runs OK, but sometimes players get a different roll than others, and sometimes two rolls at the same time.)
  • Changed the pack icon


Installation is simple. All you have to do is import the addon into your world and you're ready to go!


Topic starter Posted : 05/07/2021 5:13 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 05/09/2021 10:30 am