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MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft But Creeper OP

Illustrious Member Admin

Minecraft But Creeper OP


if you have ever thought that it is impossible to trade with creepers you are wrong because with this addon you can trade with creepers even they can be tamed

before you download this addon I will tell you some of the unique features of this addon (especially for creepers)

1.Creeper can be tamed using enchanted apples, and apples and they will follow you after being tamed

2.Added random Loot to Creeper(you can get op item)

3.Added Creeper Health to 25

4.spawn creeper eggs can be made

5.keeps creepers from attacking players

Creeper Trader image

Level Creeper (Randomes)

Be careful now with creepers if you accidentally attack them, they will explode with a wider range and can burn the area around them than the previous creeper

 creeper Loot OP


Craft Spawn Egg Creeper 

Use 4 sand and 1 egg for make

as I said above the creeper doesn't attack you, you can see it in the gif below

*Survival Mode*

You can also tame creepers using enchanted apples and apples and they will follow you but cannot attack other Mobs



This addon is only exclusive and if you find my addon on any other website or app it means this addon has been stolen from me and they will definitely remove the watermark to remove traces



If you want to review this addon make sure to use this link as download link, don't make your own link or i will use my copyright



Changelog Add-ons

  • Add Trade
  • Add Tame Use Apple & Enchanted Apple
  • Add New Loot Creeper(OP) 
  • Add Craft Spawn Egg Creeper
  • increases the Creeper's explosive power by 24 blocks
  • Increases Creeper health to 25
  • Add New Pack Icon
  • Fix Bug Trade


Plase Trun On experimental

Topic starter Posted : 19/06/2023 6:14 pm