Minecraft, But Gravity Flips Every Minute
Every minute, gravity flips for 30 seconds! You will get levitated in the air! The goal of this challenge is to beat Minecraft (kill the Ender dragon). Play with your friends or alone!
This is a simple function pack of Dream’s “Minecraft, but Gravity Flips Every Minute…” video/plugin.
Also, thanks to CrazeVideos on YouTube for suggesting that!
How to start:
To start the challenge, simply write /function start in the chat!
For the credits, write /function credits
And for help, /function help
Change time between gravity flip:
If you think 1 minute is too fast/slow, you can always change it! Write /scoreboard players set @s time yourTimeInSeconds (note: you have to be the host for it to work. If someone else writes it, he has to write /scoreboard players set @p[tag=plsuseme] timeInSeconds).
If it’s for a YouTube video, credit Dream and me in the description, for example:
“Minecraft, but Gravity Flips Every Minute by @Dream : https://youtube.com/c/Dreamm
Ported to Bedrock by CornetPanique86: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJAVoUg7PgL9N7ge-YT_npA “
If you want to post this addon on another webiste/app, well, you do not have the authorization and to have it, please join my Discord server.
- Dream (Patreon, Twitter): original video, concept & plugin!
- CornetPanique86: function pack for Minecraft Bedrock.
Questions, bugs, suggestions? Or just to chat? Join my Discord server!
Enjoy! 😀
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxIAO4CPY7GCvMBysXMgbPg