Minecraft But The Block You Look At Turns Bedrock
This is a challenge addon in which the block you look at turns bedrock. This is inspired by a java mod. I am sure you are familiar with it . So lets begin.
This is an addon in which whatever block you look at turns bedrock. This line explains everything. Though check out these gifs.
In these gifs you can see that the block you look at turns bedrock no matter what the distance is. You can use it for challenge and content creating purpose.
Here is a tip for you that would help in this.
Because it is not java so you can turn off split controls for mining side blocks except the front one.
This addon is made by TheFlameZone(of course me). And no software was used in making this addon except code editor android app.
Note That
- You are not allowed to copy paste this addon on another sites without original link.
- You are not allowed to modify this addon and use anywhere.
- You can modify addon for personal use only.
- You are not allowed to steal a piece of code from my addon.
- You are not allowed to provide direct link of this addon.
Else i shall have to use my copyrights.
Thanks For Reading. Enjoy Playing The Addon
Tested on 1.19.50 and i guess it should work only on it.