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MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft But Trading Is OP

Illustrious Member Admin

Minecraft But Trading Is OP

Have you ever thought Piglin trading sucks?Have you ever thought the game was too hard for manhunts etc?Have you ever thought piglins trades needed more ender pearls?Have you ever wanted to An Add-on that makes piglin trades op?If you have ever wanted/thought any of these things then this add-on is perfect for you


This Add-on Is Exclusive and AmberMods youtube  i do not permit anyone to reupload my add-on


You may share the download links i provide down below   (no making new download links)


If you would like to see more add-ons and updates sub to my youtube and make sure you watch my videos to the very end it really helps



Loot you can get from trading with piglins :

Books (soul speed enchanted 1 - 3)

Diamond Boots (soul speed enchanted 1 - 3)

Fire Potions 

Splash Fire Potions

Diamond ( 10 - 36 )

Ender Pearl ( 2 - 4 )

Diamond Block ( 3 - 9 )

Netherite Ingot ( 5 - 12 )

Obsidian ( 4 - 8 )

Crying Obsidian ( 1 - 7 )


Gold Block ( 2 - 4 )

Iron Block ( 2 - 8 )

Iron Ingot ( 2 - 8 )

Hay Bale ( 6 - 12 )

Emerald ( 8 - 16 )

Gold Nugget ( 8 - 16 )





Piglins Trading  

Piglin Trading speed is still slow but they drop better loot now to make it worth it


Who knew getting diamond armour could be so easy?



if you want to see how the add-on works in full glory watch my video 

Do you want to know how to make piglins trade faster?

Check Out My Showcase video 


Showcase : 


creator: Amber Mods

Topic starter Posted : 09/09/2021 9:21 am