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MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft! But You Can Craft Creative Mode (Challenge Addon)

Illustrious Member Admin

Minecraft! But You Can Craft Creative Mode (Challenge Addon)


Hey Guys, I am back with a new challenge addon that will be a very fun for you and your friends. Minecraft! But You Can Craft Creative Mode. Yes... you can craft creative mode in survival Minecraft. Of course, it will be for couple of seconds but hey you know what be quick and you can get any thing you want from the creative inventory.

Basically, this addon adds a new item called Creative Mode in the game. Just use it or right click it to enter creative mode.

When used, the player gets creative mode for 10 seconds. When used multiple times, the time gets add up, so by using multiple creative mode item, you can expand your time for being in creative. Max time you can be in creative is 300 Seconds/5 Minutes.

Whenever you exceed the max time you will get a message "Creative Mode Max Time Limit Reach" and the time will be bound to 299 seconds.

When the time is up for the creative mode, a message will be shown as below.

Recipe :


The recipe for this item is simple. You just need 8 experience bottles and 1 eye of ender. Just surround the eye of ender with the experience bottles and you will have the creative mode item.

Now just use it to enter the creative mode.

Compatibility of the Addon

Single Player World (LAN): 

Many friends play Minecraft on LAN as they can't afford a full fletched server. So this addon will support Single-player worlds or LAN worlds both in windows 10 and the mobile version.

Realms and Servers :

This addon is totally compatible with realms and servers. Make sure to update the game to the latest version. I recommend the latest stable release but the minimum requirement is 1.18 and above.

Note : 

For this addon to work, you have to turn on the experimental settings of the world.

If you found any bugs please report it by filling the form below :

That's it guys, if you like this addon, do not forget to rate it and comment below and also definitely share this with your friend. Thank you.!


  • First click on the download link and follow the steps and download the addon.
  • Now double click on it, now the game will automatically import the addon.
  • Now go to your world settings, the behavior packs, then select this addon and press activate.
  • Also check the resource pack, the resource pack will automatically be activated but in case its not selected, select it and press activate.
  • Now enter the world and enjoy.

creator: TwistyLime 

Topic starter Posted : 28/07/2022 3:19 pm