Minecraft But You Earn Every Block You Step On
This is a recreation of the popular java mod that allows you to earn every block that you touch, simply step on any block and it will instantly be added to your inventory.
-To install this addon you first have to activate the behavior pack on a already existing world or on a brand new one.

-Make sure you have cheats enabled

-Once you load your world with the behavior pack activated you have to type in this command for the mod to work /function youtube_bony162

-You will receive a message and the mod will be activated, and you will now earn any block that you step on, this works with almost any block in the game including
-All ores(Coal, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Emerald, Ancient debris) -All types of wood(Oak, birch, jungle...) -All Planks
-All stone/dirt/wool/concrete variants