Minecraft But [Your Choice] Drop OP Items! (BIG UPDATE)
Hello! This addon have 30 different types of op drop loots modpack in one. You can select any options for playing from the addon behaviour setting. This addon is easily playable in any device. It is so compact and easy to use. Read the description for more details.
[CREATOR] Ashu4871 <gametag>
I Hope You All Of You Like My Addon 🙂
Have Fun Gamers!
Attention addon showcase video is outdated!
- This addon have 30 choices for you and After selecting any of this choices and do the same thing that you select then you get op loot drops.
- All 30 Choices Are Listed Below
- Moving
- Running
- Jumping
- Sneaking
- Riding
- Gliding
- Swimming
- Sleeping
- Dirt, grass block and moss block
- Stone, cobblestone, deepslate and cobbled deepslate
- Netherrack and glowstone
- End stone and obsidian
- Sand
- Gravel
- Clay
- Snow and ice
- Dripstone block and pointed dripstone
- Chest
- Boats
- Seagrass and kelp
- Glow berries and sweet berries
- Leaves and grasses
- Flowers
- Farming
- Ores
- Shearing sheep
- Shearing snowgolem
- Milking cow
- Killing passive mob
- Killing hostile mob
- Go in to behaviour screen of your world and remember must be addon have installed in your minecraft.
- Click on the gear icon button after that a setting screen were pop-up.
- Now you can select any options of your choice.
- Op Armor (Max enchanted)
- Op Weapons (Max enchanted)
- Op Tools (Max enchanted)
- Op Foods
- Op Chest Loot (Minecraft vanilla structure chest loot)
- Op Vanilla Backpack (In All Colours)
- Op Enchantment Books (All Vanilla Enchanted Books)
- Other OP Items (Some Many items)
All 30 Choices With Their Showcase Video And Image Are Given Below
- (01) Moving
When a player move from one position to another position then player get op loot drops.
- Here is a Showcase video
- (02) Running
When a player do sprinting or running by pressing forward button for twice then player get op loot drops.
- Here is a Showcase video
- (03) Jumping
When a player do jumping jacks or jump then player get op loot drops.
- Here is a Showcase video
- (04) Sneaking
When a player do sneaking or crouching then player get op loot drops.
- Here is a Showcase video
- (05) Riding
When a player ride a mob (horses, pig, strider and many others), boat and minecart then player get op loot drops.
- Here is a Showcase video
- (06) Gliding
When a player use elytra for flying or gliding then player get op loot drops.
- Here is a Showcase video
- (07) Swimming
When a player do swimming in water then player get op loot drops.
- Here is a Showcase video
- (08) Sleeping
When a player sleep on his/her bed at night after that this addon give them a op loot drops as a reward for sleeping.
- Here is a Showcase video
- (09) Dirt, grass block and moss block
When a player mine a dirt, grass block and moss block then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase Image
- (10) Stone, cobblestone, deepslate and cobbled deepslate
When a player mine a stone, cobblestone, deepslate and cobbled deepslate then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase Image
- (11) Netherrack and glowstone
When a player mine a netherrack and glowstone then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase Image
- (12) End stone and obsidian
When a player mine a end stone and obsidian then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase image
- (13) Sand
When a player mine a sand then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase image
- (14) Gravel
When a player mine a gravel then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase image
- (15) Clay
When a player mine a clay then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase image
- (16) Snow and ice
When a player mine a snow and any types of ice then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase video for snow
- Here is a Showcase image for ice
- (17) Dripstone block and pointed dripstone
When a player mine a dripstone block and pointed dripstone then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase image
- Here is a Showcase video
- (18) Chest
When a player destroy the chest then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase video
- (19) Boats
When a player throw the any types of boat then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase video
- (20) Seagrass and kelp
When a player harvest the seagrass and kelp then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase video
- (21) Glow berries and sweet berries
When a player harvest the glow berries and sweet berries then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase video
- (22) Leaves and grasses
When a player break the any types of leaves and grasses then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase video
- (23) Flowers
When a player break the any types flower then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase video
- (24) Farming
When a player harvest a wheat, carrot, sugar cane, beetroot, potato, melon and pumpkin then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase image and video
- (25) Ores
When a player mine the any types of ores then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase video for overworld
- Here is a Showcase video for nether
- (26) Shearing sheep
When a player shear the sheep then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase video
- (27) Shearing snowgolem
When a player shear the snowgolem then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase video
- (28) Milking cow
When a player milking a cow or taking milk from the cow then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase video
- (29) Killing passive mob
When a player kill a passive mob (minecraft mobs that doesn't hurt to the player. Example :- cow, chicken, pig, sheep, iron golem also a passive mob and many others) then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase Image
- (30) Killing hostile mob
When a player kill a hostile mob (minecraft mobs that does hurt the player. Example:- zombie, skeleton, enderman, creeper and many others) then they drop op loots.
- Here is a Showcase Image
Pro tip :- if you are lazy to read all of these information so type /function help in your world. Choose any of these options and play with your friends in your smp or server and world. Have Fun!
- You are not allowed to re-upload the addon on other website, servers and apps.
- You are not allowed to share the direct download link mediafire link of this addon and use only this link of the addon for share.
- You are not allowed to edit or copy the addon code without my permission.
- If you are showcasing the my addon so always mention me as a creator in your description
[Creator] Ashu4871 <gametag>
- Now have 30 Choices
- Improve the addon theme
- Improve the loot drop rate
- Secured the source code
- Don't need to turn on experimental mode
- Just simply install as usual
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2RsQdKSLrV3WXAw7QNECUQ