Minecraft Manhunt
You generate a seed on a world. There is one Speedrunner and one Hunter (or more). You should play this game in complete Survival Vanilla Minecraft.
The Speedrunner’s goal is to beat Minecraft, if they beat Minecraft or before the timer ends which you haven’t got killed by hunter(s), the speedrunner wins. If the speedrunner died, they lose instantly.
The Hunter’s goal is to kill the speedrunner by the end of beating Minecraft or the timer ends. Hunter(s) has/have a compass which can track the speedrunner. Remember the compass works only in the overworld dimension, or last location if the speedrunner is in the Nether. Also a reminder, hunter has unlimited life, each time they died they will receive a compass once they respawn.
Custom features only applied on this addon:
1. This game should have chosen one of the player of become speedrunner, rest of them are hunters or spectators.
2. We created a Competitive version of manhunt when we are creating the game, the competitive version is currently still on beta right now, feel free to submit any bug reports or any suggestions on the comment section.
3. There are options on this game, like:
Healing: Instant heal in certain amount of time
Duration (timer): 30 minutes or 60 minutes
Guides: Teach you how to play the game (its still on beta and it cause lag for some devices.)
Differences between Normal and Competitive:
1. Guide option (opitional)
2. Normal health (10 hearts / 20 hp)
3. Immediate respawn, but you spawn on 0,0
1. Enabled guides all the time
2. Health: Speedrunner: 60 hp (30 hearts)
Hunter: 8 hp (4 hearts)
3. Speedrunner has starter tools and armor when hunters don’t
4. Respawn animation for hunters (30 seconds) , but you respawn near the speedrunner.
Installation guides:
1. You import the behavior pack in Minecraft
2. Create a world (Activate cheats and enable education edition for best experience gameplay) with that behavior pack
3. Choose the resolution you want to play with Normal Mode / Competitive Mode (Default setting in Normal Mode)
4. Do /function setup and /function start once you have more than 2 players
Frequently asked questions:
1. Why is there a timer in this addon which is originally not existed on the game?
We tried to keep this short as possible, you have a maximum of 1 hour to play the game. Instead of using over 60 minutes to beat the game. (Comment down if you want me to add a feature which can disable time limit.)
2. How can I change the settings?
You may do /function settings which there are 4 options including healing, scoreboard, timer, grace period or guide (only on normal mode).
3. The addon makes the world lag, what should I do?
If you’re playing this game on mobile, turning on the guide option might cause the world tps (ticks per second) drop down because of many commands are working at the same time. Especially playing on competitive mode, you cannot disable guide but you can in normal manhunt. I recommend you to play on normal mode if you don’t have a good device.
Inspired by:
GeorgeNotFound – YouTube, Twitter
Addon created by:
Aliom (Mostly working on normal version & fixing bugs) – YouTube, Discord, Twitter
skybird2333 (He worked mostly on competitive pack) – Discord, YouTube, Twitter
ItsMeJacob21 (Font Designer on the pack icon) – Discord
creator: https://twitter.com/PlaysDominic