Minecraft Menagerie – Earth Update
Hello there,
Have you ever been bored about the minecarft fauna?
This Addon will change that…
Introducing Minecraft Menagerie, an Addon that changes some of the vanilla mobs models, behaviors, and also nem mobs!
List of Resources Tweaks:
PS: If you don’t like the changes of the vanilla texture, you can disable then in the Resource Pack configurations
- Birch Tree/ Birch: color change
- – Chickens
- – Cows/Mooshroom
- – Pigs
- – Llama
- – Sheep
- – Squid
- Iron Golem (yes, you can shear it!)
- – Skeleton(and variants)
- – Creeper
- – Zombie/Husk: 50/50 spanw chance for zombie versions of Steve and Alex
- – Ender Dragon
List of Behavior changes:
- Spider(neutral) : drops string, and are tameble with rottem flesh, can be controlled with Charged Amber Staff
- Wolf: spawns during night, and are hostile in low light levels. Drops raw mutton and raw rabbit upon death
- Phantons: increased HP and spawn in 2 nights isted of 3, and should spawn in The End
- Polar Bear: are breedable with fish
- Pigs don1t need saddle
- Llamas can be controlled
- Chicken: drops feathers
- Turtle name tag “Jennika” ?
- Tamed Cats: drops string, and atack creepers
- Creepers: can see through walls
- Shulker: now drops up to two shulker shell
ps: some of the mods listed and all of the new mobs are stackable, wich means that they beahave similar to blocks and can stack up one another. Coming to other mobs a well.
List of NEW mobs:
- Horned Sheep: based on Minecraft Earth game, is a variante of the Sheep, but is neutral until atacked. Drops horns upon death
- Grizzly Bear: is a bear variant that spawns in Taiga biomes, and are neutral but will atack to protect a cub. Are breedable with honeycomb and drops leather, fish and honeycomb upon death
- Scorpion: is a spider variant that spawms in deserts biomes and are hostile in low light levels. When atacks it aplies an effect of nausea. drops scorpion sting upon death
- Mastodon: is a brand new mob that spawns in snowy biomes and are neutral but will atack to protect a calf. Are breedable with leaves and drops leather, string and tusks upon death. Ah… and you can tame and ride them with leaves.
- They will also break blocks of vegetation that are in their way.
- Duck: based on yhe white headed duck, is a chicke variant that spawns everywhere, but mostly in swamps, are breedable with seeds and bread and can fly. drops feathers and raw duck upon death
- Birds: A new mob to better the ambient of the overworld, they avoid players and monsters, can be feed with seeds, but can not be tamed. Drops feathers upon death
- Dragonfly: A neutral mob that spawns in swamps and jungles, they can be be used as mounts and can be controlled with a Charged Amber Staff. Drops nothing upon death
- Nautilus: an new underwater mob that spanws in ocean biomes, it’s passive and drops ink sack and nautilus shell upon death
- Raptor: A new neutral mob based on the famous dinossaur velociraptor, spawns in mesa(badlands) biome, neutral during day, hostile during night, they can trust you if born by breeding with raw mutton (just like foxes). they drop feathers, raw mutton and raptor claw upon death – Name tag = “Blue” ?
- Cluckshroom: A new passive mob that spawns in mushroom islands, When fed with certain types of mushroom it changes its state, it can also be sheared to become a duck. Drops duck and feathers upon death
- Moobloom: a cow variant that spawns on Flower Forests and leave a trail of yellow flowers where it goes, Drops meat upon death
- Glow Squid: a squid variant that has mysterious aqua glow, spawns in deep oceans and in swamps. drops ink sack and glowstone dust upon death
- Jumbo Rabbit: just a big rabbit… or, is it?
New Items!
- Amber: drops from scorpion
- Amber Staff: like the ambe (item) it atracts arthropods towards the one who holds and it can be charged with 2 blaze powder.
- Charged Amber Staff: when held none of the arthropods nearby will attack you, unless provoked, it’s also used to control Dragonflies and Spiders
- Raptor claw: drops from raptor, used to make Ivory spear
- Ivory: drops from mastodon, used to make Ivory spear
- Ivory Spear: weapon +7 damage, and apply Jump Boost effect when held
- Sting: drops from scorpion, used to make Sting Staff
- Sting Staff: weapon +3 damage, apply Jump Boost effect when held and apply poison to monsters nearby
- Duck/Cooked Duck: food (slightly better than chicken) dos not apply any effect
- Horn: drops from horned sheep, used to craft bone meal
- Mastodon Saddle: a new type of saddle specifc for the mastodon, comes with a container
More features to come!
Supported Languages:
- English
- Spanish
- Portuguese(Brasil)
- New:
- New mob Moobloom
- New mob Glow Squid
- New mob Jumbo Rabbit
- The llama can be cotrolled with a corrot on a stick now
- Fixed Nautilus animation
- Fixed Nautilus drops
Download .mcaddon file for the full version of the addon
Download .mcpack for just the texture pack
ps: this Addon was only tested on Minecraft 1.16, so it might not work well in previous versions of the game.
creator: https://twitter.com/ET_Br_