Minecraft Nether Update Concept Add-on (1.12/1.14+)
This add-on adding all features from the Nether Update from the new blocks, mobs, structures, trees and biomes it’s just testing the new update.
Nether Update Add-on
The Biomes:
Crimson Forest:
Warped Forest:
Soul Sand Valley:
The generation of ancient:
You can find it under the nether like the other ores
The crafting recipes of ancient:
Then you can make the netherite by 4 netherite scrap and 4 gold ingot:
Also you can make tools and armors:
The tools:
How the armors work:
First you need the armors and craft them to get the armor block by this recipe:
To used you need to stand on the top of the armor block:
The mobs:
They attack the wither skeletons and hoglin.
Attack damage: 4
Health: 20
You can trade with him by throwing gold nugget and gold ingot and they will give you random items:
The items can give you the piglin from trading:
Zombified Piglins:
It’s zombie pigman but with new model and sounds.
They attack the piglins and player:
Attack damage: 4.5
Health: 20
Recipes to allows you to survive in the nether:
You can craft cobblestone from the basalt (you can find the basalt from soul sand valley biome)
Also you can craft new planks from (Crimson Stem / Warped Stem)
Even you could craft normal planks from the (Crimson Planks / Warped Planks)
Thank you and don’t forget to download the add-on
Added new sounds.
Added new models.
Added new blocks.
Changed all blocks name.
New behaviors.
After you download the add-on just open to your Minecraft add them to your world and it's done.
Creator: RafatAR32_