Minecraft Sword ++
Do you think minecraft has few swords? Have new swords in your game. This addon adds 4 new swords that can be crafted and 1 that can only be obtained through commands because it is very powerful, 2 new ores and 2 apples
This addon adds 5 new swords to your game, (some of which were inspired by java edition mods), plus 2 new ores and 2 apple
item list:copper ore , copper ingot , copper sword , copper block , emerald sword , ruby ore , ruby , ruby block , ruby sword , nether sword , nether apple and adminium sword, nether block, emerald apple.
Copper Sword:
this sword can be crafted using one of the new ores, copper.
Sword description: a weak and basic copper sword.
Copper sword: 5 attack damage
Emerald Sword:
This sword can obviously be crafted using emerald.
Sword description: a sword stronger than diamond and weaker than netherite
Emerald sword: 7.5 attack damage
Ruby Sword:
Sword description: a sword stronger than netherite and easier to get
Ruby sword: 10 attack damage
Nether Sword:
The nether sword can be crafted using a nether star, a netherite block and a netherite sword.
Sword description: a sword much stronger than the previous ones
Nether sword: 80 attack damage
Adminium Sword:
This sword cannot be crafted, but it can be obtained through the command: /give @p op:adminium_sword
Sword description: the strongest sword of all, kills any minecraft mob in one hit
Adminium sword: 999999 attack damage
Nether Apple:
An apple much more powerful than the others, gives 16 minutes of: health boost 9, resistance 3, jump boost 2 , speed 5 and fire resistance
Emerald Apple:
an apple that gives 8 minutes of 3 effects: regeneration 3, resistance and night vision
Nether Block:
currently it is just a decorative block.
Copper Ore: can be cast into bars using a furnace
can be found between a Y layer: 1 and 65
Copper Ingot: can be used to craft a sword or block
Ruby Ore: when being broken drops ruby
can be found between a Y layer: 1 and 15
Ruby: can be used to craft a sword or block
Nether block added
Emerald apple added
Updated description
new pictures
creator: Luiz Gabriel1358