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MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft Terminator [v2.2.0]

Illustrious Member Admin

Minecraft Terminator [v2.2.0]

Introducing Terminator to your Minecraft world! This is a powerful mob that has the ability to follow entities, destroy blocks and build blocks when the terminator thinks it's necessary, pick up melee and ranged weapons such as swords and bows to attack entities, and wear armors such as chestplates to protect itself from being damaged.


Showcase Video of Terminator's new respawn event.


Build and destroy blocks

This terminator can build blocks to reach its target and break blocks that stops the terminator from reaching the target.


This terminator can attack mobs

The terminator can attack the following types of mobs. Please note that Terminator will attack a selected mob when the terminator and it's target met the right conditions (which you can check the table below the list):

  • Players
  • Iron Golems
  • Snow Golems
  • Tamed Parrots
  • Wolfs
  • Allay
  • Armadillo
  • Axolotl
  • Camel
  • Horse
  • Pig
  • Skeleton Horse
  • Sniffer
  • Villager
  • Wandering Trader

Terminator Entity Attack Requirement!


Note: Terminator can only attack mobs and players, when difficulty levels in the game is set to Easy, Normal, or Hard.

Terminator Combat

The Terminator Combat is a major update released for Terminator Combat Update (add-on version 1.3).

In order for the terminator to use different kinds of combat, they need to pick up the weapon in order to switch combat mechanic.

Showcase video:

Melee Attack

Melee attack is activated when

  • The terminator is spawned
  • The terminator is holding a melee weapon (trident is excluded from this category)


  • Movement speed multiplier of terminator is 130%
  • It does 1 attack damage



Bow combat is activated when the terminator is holding a bow

  • Terminator will wait 1 to 3 seconds after an attack before launching another
  • Terminator shoots normal arrows (It will not shoot different effects of arrows even if terminator receives it.)



Crossbow combat is activated when the terminator is holding a crossbow

  • Terminator will wait 1 second after an attack before launching another
  • Terminator shoots normal arrows (It will not shoot different effects of arrows even if terminator receives it.)
  • Movement speed multiplier of terminator is 100%


Trident combat is activated when the terminator is holding a trident

  • Terminator will switch to melee combat if the target is 3 blocks or less away from the terminator
  • Terminator will switch to ranged combat if the target is 4 blocks or more away from the terminator



Snowball combat activates when the terminator holds a snowball

  • Terminator shoots snowball every 0.2 seconds

Showcase Video - Terminator Snowball Ranged Attack


Shield is activated when the terminator is holding a shield in main hand or off hand

  • Shield has a 5 ticks (0.25 seconds) cooldown after a defense before blocking another attack or terminator's hand
  • The shield disables damage cause by: block explosion, entity attack, entity explosion and projectile


Terminator Respawn Event

When the terminator dies for the first time, the terminator will trigger a respawn event which will respawn itself.

The terminator will have the ability to respawn itself for the second time until terminator dies for the third time.

The following image is taken after the terminator dies:


Showcase Video of Terminator's new respawn event.


When the terminator dies for the first time, the terminator will trigger a respawn event which will respawn itself.

The terminator will have the ability to respawn itself for the second time until terminator dies for the third time.

The following image is taken after the terminator dies:

You can execute /function terminator/killall which kills all existing terminators in the world and they will not respawn.


Feeding the terminator

Method: You feed the terminator as you feed a horse.

You can feed the terminator food that players can eat.


The amount of health the terminator gains when fed one of the food is the same as the amount of food points player gets when eat one of the food. For more infomation about food points and items players can eat check out Minecraft Wiki.

Difference about food points for players and health points for terminators:

  • Terminator restores 14 health points from eating cake
  • Terminator cannot eat chorus fruit



Terminator now has different skins!

Christmas skins only display in Minecraft from December 1st to December 25th. The add-on will change their skin back to normal afterwards.


Changing Terminator Skins

Players may not like the Minecraft skins Terminator entity wears. Currently the only way to change its textures is to modify the resource pack files.

  1. Extract the Add-On
  2. In the extracted folder, navigate to resource_pack/textures/entity folder, where you would see a bunch of image files.
  3. Modify the steve.png or the alex.png file
  4. Save the changes, then import the Add-On with modified changes to Minecraft
  5. Run /function terminator command to bring the 'Spawn Terminator' form
  6. In the Skin Model dropdown, select either 'Custom (Steve Model)' or 'Custom (Alex Model)'


Terminator can now equip all the capes obtainable in Bedrock Edition, and Migrator cape as a bonus. When they equip the cape it also change the appearance of a worn elytra. Capes are purely decorational, and do not alter the wearers' capabilities in any way.


Terminators can equip the following cape, which they can be spawned using the 'Spawn Terminator' form:

  • 15th Anniversary
  • Cherry Blossom
  • Founder
  • Migrator
  • Mojang New
  • Pan
  • Progress Pride
  • Follower (TikTok)
  • Purple Heart (Twitch)
  • One Vanilla
  • MCC 15th year
  • Minecraft Experience
  • Mojang Office


Custom nametags


Skin Models (steve / alex)

You can choose the model you want to apply to your terminator.


The difference here are the steve's model arm's are 4 pixels wide and the alex's model arm's are 3 pixels wide, like what you see when choosing your own custom skin.



Spawn a Terminator

You have seen the cool features the Terminator add-on offers. There are multiple ways to spawn a terminator in your Minecraft world:

You can obtain the terminator spawn egg in the creative inventory

Use the /summon command to spawn the terminator

Craft the terminator spawn egg using a crafting table, here is the recipe:

Thanks May5Flames for the terminator crafting recipe!


Spawn Terminator command

  1. /function terminator

This function command will lead you to the 'Spawn Terminator' form, allowing you to spawn your own Terminator entity.

Still stuck at spawning a terminator?

Don't worry. When you spawn into the world with the Add-On loaded for the first time, a Terminator guide book will appear in your inventory.

Right click and scroll down to the bottom, a button that says "Spawn Terminator" will redirect you to this form:

By pressing the 'Submit' button, the game will spawn a terminator with changes applied based on options available in the 'Spawn Terminator' form.


Function commands

The terminator add-on also provides ways to activate advanced features via /function commands.

/function terminator - This shows the 'Spawn Terminator' form.

/function terminator/killall - This kills every terminator and disables all currently running respawn events in existence, terminators will not respawn by running this command.


Experimental Features


Caution: The following features are being experimented. It may change or it may be removed in future releases.


Traveling Through Overworld and Nether

Terminator is now able to travel between the overworld and the nether dimension.

This event triggers when the terminator is in a dimension where there are zero players with survival or adventure gamemode. The terminator will attempt to build a nether portal to go to the other dimension attempts to find players to kill.

Please leave your feedback in the Discord Server!


Important infomation:

Click here to check out up-to-date important information

  • Join my Discord server or report to Terminator GitHub Repository if there are any issues, questions and feedbacks regarding to the add-on's installation or the gameplay.
  • Terminator entity can cause massive destruction. Please save a copy of your world before activating this add-on!
  • You are allowed to repost this add-on to other websites or make a YouTube video for commercial purposes, provided that you must put the link this post  in the description of the video or a webpage and must not have any other direct-download links.
  • This add-on is compatible with Minecraft Bedrock v1.20.70 or above. It won't work on Minecraft Education (unless you're using Preview)


The downloads are at the bottom of the page in once you clicked on 'Download Minecraft Terminator Add-On' link.

After downloading the add-on below and import the add-on to Minecraft, make sure both resource pack and behavior pack are imported so you do not have the error related to incompatibility when applying the add-on.

Note: This add-on is compatible with Minecraft v1.21.0 or above.

creator: Jayly

Topic starter Posted : 06/07/2021 5:31 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 19/01/2025 5:30 pm