Minecraft ++ Version 1.0
The Minecraft ++ addon is an addon hoping to expand the forging and creation of tools , armor and weapons. With new minerals, tools and weapons, you will find an experience unlike any other on here. Each tool has its own uses , abilities and skills.
Custom Ores
These new ores will generate in your world , you will use these to craft the new tools and weapons.
1. Silver Ore
Generates between layers 0 to 32
2. Cobalt Ore
Generates between layers 0 to 23
3. Mythril Ore
Generates between layers 0 to 14
4. Molten/Adamantite Ore
Generates between layers 0 to 12

Custom Tools
These’s new tools offer extra abilities/utility.
1. Pickaxe
Veinminer Mines 3-4 blocks out of a vein of ore when used
2. Lumber Axe
Lumber Mines 3-4 blocks out of a tree when used (Not working)
3. Hammer
Crush Mines a 3×3 area of stone when used
Custom Weapons
These new weapons will each give you a different bonus , each of them have their uses.
1. Katana
The katana has the ability to strike 3 mobs at once(seaping edge) , using it will gurante you can mow down a large horde of mobs
2. Longsword
The longsword deals extra damage but can only be used once per second
3. Halberd
The halberd has the ability to make the enemy bleed , causing it to take damage over time
4. Scythe
The Scythe similar to the katana has the ability to strike 2 mobs at once(seaping edge) , but it is more efficient , dealing more damage to both mobs
5. Rapier
The Rapier similar to the halberd has the ability to make the enemy bleed , causing it to take damage over time
6. Boomerang
The Boomerang , a new throwable will deal damage in a long distance , each tier has a different amount of uses
New Armor
These new armor pieces will enhance your Minecraft world , with some being even better than diamond/netherite
Getting Started
To start off you will need to find clay , this will help you create the smelter , used to smelt the custom ores (interact with the ore in your hand to smelt)
Next you will need to find silver ore(mineable with iron) , once you have the silver you will be able to craft a crafting station.
Finally , you will need to fuel the smelter with coal , lava or charcoal
New Discord Server
We have a discord server for people who want updates and beta releases of the addon for testing , we are also in the process of creating a full tutorial/guide on how to use the addon , so if you need help , join in the link provided below, thank you all for downloading and using this addon , it means a lot!
• What you are allowed to do with this pack
1. Showcase It On Youtube (Link the mcbedrock page on the video)
2. Use It On Your Modpack (Leave my discord In the credits)
3. Use it on your server , realm etc
• What you are Not Allowed to do with this pack
1. Edit The File And Publish It In Public
2. Modify The Pack And Publish It As Your Own
3. Steal Textures
4. Claim the pack or any textures as your own
5. Publish this addon on another website
• Added Platinum and malachite now generate in the world .
• Added Malachite ore and crystals.
• Added the armor smithing table.
• Added Platinum tools and armor.
• Added Block versions of every ore.
• Added Blocks in the creative inventory
• Added Loot Crate's , added crates in the creative inventory , added the ability to craft crates. (Currently uses the lootbag addon's loot tables)
• Added armor mold's (used to create armor)
Once you have install the addon (BP and RP) Activate all 3 experimental boxes , if you have a problem with loading this into a new world , make a copy of your previous world and load it into there!
(Note: This addon does not use the player.json so there is no need to have it at the top)
creator: Lowkeyrood