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MCPE/Bedrock MiningHammers 3D Addon

Illustrious Member Admin

MiningHammers 3D Addon


Hello people today after a long time I upload an Add-on made by me, in this case I bring you the Mining Hammers that brings 10 types of Hammers in 3D that will allow you to chop the blocks in a 3×3 radio (without script) I hope you like this n.n




With the following command you can add the hammers one by one

/ give @s new:


If you want to add all the amrtillos in your inventory at once, use the following command

/ function Hammers



-Creative Inventory



-Recipe Example


Wood Hammer ( Martillo de Madera )

Damage: 2


Durability:  60


-Breack Blocks 3×3

-Stone ( All Types ) ( Todos los Tipos )
-Coal Ore
-Quartz Ore
-Nether Gold Ore



Stone Hammer ( Martillo de Piedra )

Damage: 3

Durability: 131 


-Breack Blocks 3×3


-Stone ( All Types ) ( Todos los Tipos )
-Coal Ore
-Iron Ore
-Lapis Ore
-Quartz Ore
-Nether Gold Ore



Gold Hammer ( Martillo de Oro )


Damage: 2

Durability: 32 


-Breack Blocks 3×3


-Stone ( All Types ) ( Todos los Tipos )
-Coal Ore 
-Quartz Ore
-Nether Gold Ore




Iron Hammer ( Martillo de Hierro )

Damage: 4

Durability: 250


-Breack Blocks 3×3


-Stone ( All Types ) ( Todos los Tipos )
-Coal Ore
-Iron Ore
-Lapis Ore
-Quartz Ore
-Redstone Ore
-Emerald Ore
-Gold Ore
-Diamond Ore
-Nether Gold Ore





Diamond Hammer ( Martillo de Diamante )

Damage: 5

Durability: 1561 


-Breack Blocks 3×3



-Stone ( All Types ) ( Todos los Tipos )
-Coal Ore
-Iron Ore-Lapis Ore
-Quartz Ore
-Redstone Ore
-Emerald Ore
-Gold Ore
-Diamond Ore
-Nether Gold Ore
-Ancient Debris



Obsidian Hammer ( Martillo de Obsidiana )

Damage: 7


Durability: 1837


-Breack Blocks 3×3


-Stone ( All Types ) ( Todos los Tipos )
-Coal Ore
-Iron Ore
-Lapis Ore
-Quartz Ore
-Redstone Ore
-Emerald Ore
-Gold Ore
-Diamond Ore
-Nether Gold Ore
-Ancient Debris



Lapis Hammer ( Martillo de Lapis Lazuli )

Damage: 3

Durability: 331 


-Breack Blocks 3×3

-Stone ( All Types ) ( Todos los Tipos ) 
-Coal Ore
-Iron Ore 
-Lapis Ore
-Quartz Ore
-Redstone Ore
-Nether Gold Ore



Redstone Hammer ( Martillo de Redstone )

Damage: 4


Durability: 627


Breack Blocks 3×3


-Stone ( All Types ) ( Todos los Tipos ) 
-Coal Ore
-Iron Ore 
-Gold Ore
-Lapis Ore
-Quartz Ore
-Redstone Ore
-Nether Gold Ore
-Emerald Ore



Emerald Hammer ( Martillo de Esmeralda )

Damage: 6

Durability: 1231


-Breack Blocks 3×3

-Stone ( All Types ) ( Todos los Tipos ) 
-Coal Ore
-Iron Ore 
-Gold Ore
-Lapis Ore
-Quartz Ore
-Redstone Ore
-Nether Gold Ore
-Emerald Ore
-Diamond Ore




Netherite Hammer ( Martillo de Netherite )

Damage: 8

Durability: 2031


-Breack Blocks 3×3

-Stone ( All Types ) ( Todos los Tipos ) 
-Coal Ore
-Iron Ore 
-Gold Ore
-Lapis Ore
-Quartz Ore
-Redstone Ore
-Nether Gold Ore
-Emerald Ore
-Diamond Ore
-Ancient Debris




-Armor Stand




-Enchanted Hammers




-Chop Blocks 3×3


To break the blocks in a 3×3 radius you have to approach the block at least within a 2 block radius and then chop like the block until it breaks normally



To break the blocks in a 3×3 radius down you have to pomer on the block you want to break then you crouch and chop the block until it breaks normally


Thank you very much for downloading the addon. It took me a while to create this addon and I hope you like it.

Mi Twitter

Mi Canal de YouTube





Si Quieres hacer review del addon sera necesario que ponga los canales de ambos creadores tanto de SystemTv como de AlanizXGama Y poner link directo ya que este addon no esta monetizado




If you want to review the addon, it will be necessary to put the channels of both creators of both SystemTv and AlanizXGama and put a direct link since this addon is not monetized








Changes From This Update

-Change in Hammer Damage

-Change in function of breaking the blocks in the hammers

-The Hammers are now seen in 3D


Topic starter Posted : 14/11/2020 1:26 pm