Missing Furniture
Do you think there's some furniture's you can't find in any addon? Don't worry , This addon is here to solve your problems : blenders , air-fryers , fans and much more were added in this creation !
By MegablueCDA
+6 new furnitures

Fan can be used to ventilate your world and make it more fresh !
▪︎ Interact to use
🧊 ~ Crafting :
| I | I | I | 🔴 Legend:
| I | R | I | I : iron ingot
| I | I | I | R : redstone wire

Blenders are used to make juices with your favorite fruit/vegetable (only apple for now) ; To make your juice is very simple:
1︎. Interact with awater bottlein your hand to add water
2. Interact with anapplein your hand to blend the apple
3. Interact with aglass bottleto get the "apple juice" [ Instant Health I potion ]
🧊 ~ Crafting :
| S | | | 🔴 Legend:
| G | | | S : Stone
| S | R | | G : Glass Pane
R : Redstone Wire

Cashier is here to be a safe way to storage your store's money
▪︎ Interact with a cashier key to open it
▪︎ When broken , cashier will drop all items inside it
🧊 ~ Crafting :
| | R | | 🔴 Legend:
| I | I | I | R : Redstone Wire
| | | | I : Iron Nugget

🧊 ~ Key Crafting :
| I | I | | 🔴 Legend:
| | I | | I : Iron Nugget
| | Y | R | Y : Yellow Dye
R : Red Dye

Air-Fryer can be used fry potatoes and make delicious French fries ; is very simple to make it :
1. Interact with apotatoto turn it on
2. Wait [ 30 s ] until the French fries are ready and drawer is open
3. interact with apaperto get theFrench fries
🧊 ~ Crafting :
| R | L | R | 🔴 Legend:
| I | I | I | R : Redstone Wire
| | | | L : Redstone Lamp
I : Iron Ingot

Mixer is a simple utensil that will help you to make more breads with less wheats ; Just interact with awheatand wait [ 20 s ] until the mixer make particles , meaning that the bread is ready !
🧊 ~ Crafting :
| I | I | I | 🔴 Legend:
| I | | R | I : Iron Nugget
| I | | B | R : Redstone
B : Bowl

Sandwich Makers are furnitures that turns your breads into sandwichs ; To make the sandwichs just interact with abreadand wait [ 30 s ]
🧊 ~ Crafting :
| I | L | I | 🔴 Legend:
| R | L | R | I : Iron Bars
| N | | N | R : Redstone Wire
L : Redstone Lamp
N : Iron Nugget

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•YT : MegablueCDA

Supported Languages
▪︎ 🇺🇸 ; 🇧🇷 ; 🇵🇹

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