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MCPE/Bedrock Mob Armor Addon (Beta)

Illustrious Member Admin

Mob Armor Addon (Beta)


This addon adds new armor that transform us into a mob (we can only transform into some mobs), armor can be obtained in survival with a craft, each armor will give us a skill, soon the armor of each mob will be added


to get the armor some crafting is used

This armor transforms us into a creeper and adds an item with its ability

Skeleton armor

Wither skeleton armor

this armor adds resistance to fire

kill a wither skeleton to get the wither bone or you can create it on the creation table

You can also return it to its

Stray armor

this armor adds water respiration

kill a stray to get the ice bone or you can create it on the creation table

we can also put on other armors

Zombie armor

Husk armor 

the crafting is similar to that of a zombie, you just have to put paper in the middle

Drowned armor

this armor adds water respiration

to get rotten meat you have to kill drowned

Chicken armor:

Enderman armor:

putting on the armor we will get a new item to teleport in a random place and 16 ender pearls

Wither armor:

putting on the armor we will get new items, one to fly and another to throw wither skull


Added chicken armor

Added Enderman armor

Added new ítem to Enderman armor

Added new recipes to craft armors

Added wither armor and ítems to fly 

Added wither skull



activate resource packs and behaviors

activate experimental game mode



Topic starter Posted : 23/06/2020 3:14 pm