Mob Catcher v1 (works with addon mobs)
This addon will help you move monsters and mobs, especially the mobs that will help you, such as villagers, or if you want, for example, to move a group of cows in order to make such-and-such a farm out of them, something like that.* Credit by me @shadowgamer100k If you need to make a review about this addon mention my channel in the descriptionย

- To use this addon you have to make some items before making the catcher tool you have to make the mesh and get the nano string this is how to get them in short video on YouTube where I show the addon and descripted all the recipes are in the addon ๐
-ย or just see this simple recipe you can get the nano string by interact with the white wool with a shears :

- How to use the tool ?
first you have to catch it in your hand and go to the mob you want to catche then click right click or use the button on if you are on mobile then the mob will be inside a form if you have more than one mob inside the catcher the form appear and ask you to chose which mob you want to spawn + the addon use the copy paste system for exapmle if you catch a mob with 5 hp it will save him with the same data includes armor and nameTag and everything also to catch mobs you have to hit them and make the health of them less than 50 Hp also there is a blocked mobs :
blocked mobs :ย [armor stand - ender dragon - warden - wither ]ย you cant catch those mobs and thats all

- you have a report contact me in my channel or my discord :
- Click To Subscribe in My youtube channel -
- Click To Join My Discord Server -
nothing here this is the first time i post this addon
Lootlabs is a well-known site, so I don't need to show you how to download ๐