Ever wanted to be a blaze? Maybe an enderman, well this pack has 10+ mobs to choose from! This pack will let you have abilities of mobs! Strays, husks, and more! You can even use this in a survival mode!
Current Version: 1.2.0
This mod has alot of mobs to choose from!
- Immune to lava
- Immune to fire
- Water hurts you
- Lost your fly ability by being a half player half blaze
- Special: Drop blaze powder to get fire charge
- Habitat: Nether fortress
- Fighter
- /tag @s add blaze
- Super strong
- You got hunger yo
- Habitat: Desert
- Fighter
- /tag @s add husk
- Infinite arrows
- Infinite bow durability
- Cant enchant inf durability bow
- Has slowness
- Habitat: Snow biome
- Fighter
- /tag @s add stray
- Teleports
- Water is a bad boi
- Habitat: Anywhere
- Fighter
- /tag @s add enderman
- Water is a good boi
- Can only breathe in water
- Effects players around em with blindness
- Habitat: Any ocean/lake/river biome
- Neutral
- /tag @s add squid
- Creepers must be scared of this mob ability!
- Jumps high
- Lands on feet
- Habitat: Anywhere
- Neutral
- /tag @s add cat
- Habitat: Anywhere
- Special: Can drop purple dye to phantomize, and can drop blue dye to dephantomize
- Fighter
- /tag @s add phantom
- Same as stray but without the slowness arrows
- Doesnt have slowness
- Why would anyone pick this mob?
- Habitat: Caves
- Fighter
- /tag @s add skeleton
- I can breathe!!! in water
- Trident from the get go
- Habitat: Deep ocean
- Fighter
- /tag @s add drowned
- Resistance go brrrr
- Free shulker boxes!
- Habitat: End fortress
- Neutral
- /tag @s add shulker
- Jump boost
- Strong
- Can only walk by jumping
- Habitat: Tbh they spawn anywhere
- Fighter
- /tag @s add slime
- Potions! Thats all!
- Habitat: Swamp
- Support + Fighter
- /tag @s add witch
- Jumpy very high!
- I am speed
- Players slow rabbits
- Habitat: Forest/Plains/Desert
- Neutral
- /tag @s add rabbit
- Crossbow from the get go
- Infinite arrows
- Bad omen
- Habitat: Any outposts
- Fighter
- /tag @s add pillager
- Axe
- Very strong
- Bad omen
- Habitat: Any mansions
- Fighter
- /tag @s add vindicator
Iron Golem
- Very Very strong
- Hero of the village
- Slow
- Habitat: Village
- Tank
- /tag @s add iron_golem
Magma Cube
- Isnt slow
- Has weakness
- Can attack by touching people
- Immune to lava, fire, and other magma cubes
- Habitat: Nether
- Fighter
- /tag @s add magma_cube
Wither skeleton
- Effects others around them with wither
- Being a half human half wither skeleton has taken the fire resistance effect away from you
- Can only have STONE swords
- Habitat: Nether fortress
- Fighter
- /tag @s add witherskeleton
- Cant have bows
- Has weakness 4
- Has bad omen
- Habitat: Any mansion
- Special: Drop red dye to summon evocation fangs
- Fighter
- /tag @s add evoker
- Slow
- Gets speed when a player gets near
- Gets strength when a player gets near
- Gets strength on stone
- Being a half player half warden has taken blindness away from you
- Habitat: Deep Caves
- Tank
- /tag @s add warden
- Infinite emeralds!
- Hero of the village
- Scammer
- Pillagers absolutely hate you
- Habitat: Village
- Neutral
- /tag @s add villager
- Fast
- Weak
- Annoying
- Becomes invisible when facing at stone
- Habitat: Cave
- Defender
- /tag @s add silverfish
- Sheep makes wolf strong
- Speedy
- Bones distract you and make you s l o w
- Habitat: Forest
- Defender
- /tag @s add wolf
- If there is dirt under your feet, you transform it into grass
- Free infinite bonemeal
- Habitat: Plains/Forest
- Special: Drop yellow dye to give nearby players bonemeal and turn nearby dirt into grass
- Support
- /tag @s add moobloom
Glow Squid
- Gives nearby players night vision
- Cant survive on land
- Any ocean/lake/river biomes
- Support
- /tag @s add glow_squid
Tnt Yeeter
- Yeets tnt
- Habitat: YEET
- Special: Throw pink dye to yeet a tnt 7 blocks away from where your facing
- /tag @s add tnt_yeeter
Snow Golem
- Infinite Snowballs
- Can kill blazes fast
- Has slowness
- Cant stand on netherrack
- Leaves a trail of snow everywhere
- Habitat: Snow biome
- Support
- /tag @s add snow_golem
- Can only survive on water
- Habitat: Any ocean/lake/river biome
- Very Neutral
- /tag @s add fish
Ender Dragon
- Elytra
- Habitat: End
- Boss
- Special: Drop dye to launch
- /tag @s add enderdragon
- Runs fast
- Habitat: Forest/Plains
- Special: Can drop black dye to sting
- Neutral
- /tag @s add bee
- Gets levitation when in webs
- Summons web when a player gets near
- Neutral
- Habitat: Cave
- /tag @s add spider
- Speedy
- Leaping
- Habitat: Plains
- Neutral
- Special: Drop dye to get a boost and tp those pesky players away from you!
- /tag @s add horse
- Special: Drop dye to munch on grass
thats literally it
- oh and you also get wool but thats not that good
- Neutral
- Habitat: Plains/Forest
- /tag @s add sheep
- Resistance
- Strong
- Slow
- Invisible when near other players (not other yetis tho)
- Tank
- Habitat: Ice biome
- Special: Drop dye to summon a snowstorm
- /tag @s add yeti
Blazing Inferno
- Resistance
- Immune to arrows
- Immune to fire
- Cant go in water
- Habitat: Nether
- Fighter
- /tag @s add blazinginferno
- Resistance
- More resistance when near non-leafilyn players
- Strength
- Slow
- Habitat: Forest
- Support
- /tag @s add leafilyn
Tree Guardian
- Resistance
- Strong
- Slow
- Habitat: Forest
- Tank
- Special: Drop bone meal to regen
- /tag @s add treeguardian
Stone Golem
- Resistance
- Slow
- But slows others down
- Habitat: Any stone areas
- Tank
- /tag @s add stonegolem
Nether Squid
- Fire Resistant
- Can only breathe in lava
- cant touch water
- Habitat: Any lava areas
- Neutral
- /tag @s add nethersquid
Lava Golem
- Turns water to stone
- Fire resistant
- Any lava areas
- Tank
- /tag @s add lavagolem
Aquatic Blaze
- Water breathing
- Infinite water
- Infinite sponge
- Good against blaze players
- Any water areas
- Blaze Hunter
- /tag @s add aquaticblaze
- Inf light blocks
- Speed
- Weakness
- Haste
- /tag @s add prism
- Immune to lava
- Turns stone to magma
- Speedy
- /tag @s add igneous
- Elytra
- jump Boost
- More perks
- /tag @s add beetlian
Piglin King
- Slow
- Strength
- Piglins dont like being bossed so they attack you
- /tag @s add piglinking
- Dissappears when ANY ENTITY comes near
- The easiest mob to play as
- /tag @s add dream
- Warden + Phantom
- Hybrid
- /tag @s add wartom
- Ghost + Blaze
- Hybrid
- /tag @s add ghostblaze
Mob Contest Mobs
The King
- Gold block = Totem
- No shield for u
- Inf sharpness
- Inf protection
- Resistance
- No iron
- can only eat raw food
- If you stand on stone you get invis
Space Child
- Activates jetpack when in lava
- Inf arrows
- power 5
Time lord
- Weakness
- Slowness when using ability
- Special: Drop clock to freeze time within a short distance
- /tag @s add timelord
Rubber Man
- Speed
- Special: Has slime block
- /tag @s add rubberman
Villager King
- Slow
- Infinite emeralds
- /tag @s add villagerking
Bomb Speed
- Speed
- Tnt when near players
- /tag @s add bombspeed
- Speed
- Leaping
- Chickens and raw chicken meat distract you
- /tag @s add fox
Stand User
- Speed
- Resistance
- Strength
- Drop maroon dye to heal yourself
- Drop yellow green dye to do a barrage of punches on everything within a 5 block radius
- You get hunger when you use an ability
- /tag @s add stand
Ultra Instinct
- Speed
- Resistance
- Strength
- All arrows within a 5 block radius dissappears, when it dissappears, you get speed and hunger
- /tag @s add ultra_instinct
- Type /give @s command_block, place the command block, set it to repeat and type function mobabilities
- Then type /tag @s add mob

And finally, you have the powers of a mob! You can only gain powers of the mobs above
If you want a more detailed explanation, here is a video to explain everything!
Enjoy this function pack!
I allow everyone to make showcases of my mods
I allow everyone to use this in their servers, just credit me
I allow everyone to make copies of this mod, if you want to do that, you will have to credit me. And make sure it is different enough
Do not post this mod on other websites, I only allow people to use this, not post it
If you do, I will have to report you.
Do not make this mod seem like it is yours, if you do, I will take action on you.
Enjoy the mod!
Earth Update
- Added Stand User
- Added Ultra Instinct
- Fixed bugs
Update Leaks in my twitter!
(Find it by going to my channel, going to a video, click the description, scroll down and click the twitter link)
- Click link
- Click continue
- Click the blue square
- Click minecraft
- Go to play
- Put behaviour pack and resource pack into a world
- Enjoy!