More Blades Addon
Introducing More Blades Addon
Tired of minecraft swords? More Blades Addon adds more than 20 new swords to the player use in battle against minecraft's most powerful mobs!
Create your first sword and make it reach the top! For each sword level, you will need the sword from the previous level. But to do the first level just put an iron sword in the place.
Well, before you start you need to gather the following materials
Iron, Gold, Diamond, Emerald, Netherite.
That done, let's start making the plants and then the plates

Done the plants (of course you can use gold or diamond instead of iron), now let's go to the crafts of the plates.
Iron plate:

Gold plate:

Diamond plate:

Emerald plate:

Netherite plate:

Once the plates are done, you can finally make your first sword!

after the level 1 iron sword, you can make the level 2 sword. follow the craft below.

Congratulations on making the level 2 iron sword, to make level 3 you use a diamond bit instead of the previous one and so on.
Don't forget that to make the sword of the next level you need to use the sword of the previous level.
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Chances now!
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Don't forget to enable these options before creating your world.

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creator: GabrielVZ8