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MCPE/Bedrock More Blocks Addon (+23 New Blocks)

Illustrious Member Admin

More Blocks Addon (+23 New Blocks)

Hello, this addon that you are looking at adds a total of 23 new blocks to the blocks, which have their own sounds, dropping, resistance, cracking, what if it is mandatory to activate the experimental mode, it is in Spanish and English.

(credits: youtube channel pigmansito, minecraft name: endersitote | all textures were created by my exception the galaxy block that is a free photo of the space that I modified to be square and add it)

This add-on includes new blocks a total of 23 with their own custom crafters although to use the additional complement activates the experimental mode the blocks are in 2 Spanish and English languages ​​in this case this text will be in English although I the creator of the complement speak good Spanish

1- White neon block2- Fake bedrock3-Galaxy block4-Green screen block5-Rock prismarine bricks6-Pool floor7-Dark wood floor8-Quartz bricks9-Wooden box10-multicolor block

this block modifies its color all the time11-Plastic block12-Dark rock prismarine13-Bed block14-Kitchen floor15-Underworld bricks16-Fake tnt17-Blue neon block18-White wood19-Bathroom floor20-Wood whith honey21-Stone box22-Wooden bricks23-TVthose blocks contains this addon


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to download go to the download link and send it to a page there passes the human verification after pressing continue from there you wait 15 seconds and press continue to download blocks sends you to media-fire download the addon and then touch it or go to download carpets and this will be download in mc from there choose a world and act its resource and behavior pack 

Creator: Pigmansito


Topic starter Posted : 10/02/2020 8:21 pm