More Caves and Cliffs
This Add-on adds more things that have not yet been implemented from Minecraft caves and cliffs in the Bedrock version, it also adds concepts of the features that have not yet been revealed
The add-on add the next things:
Deepslate blocks
The deepslate blocks appears in the Y=0 up to Y =-64.
In the Y negative, the ores has been covered by the deepslate.
Blocks description:
The deepslate it’s the principal block from these blocks
You need a pickaxe to dig the deepslate, you can use the next pickaxes:
- Wooden
- Stone
- Iron
- Gold
- Diamond
- Netherite
Cobbled deepslate
When you break the deepslate, you obtain this block.
You can use this block to make stone items.
You need a pickaxe to dig the block, you can use the next pickaxes:
- Wooden
- Stone
- Iron
- Gold
- Diamond
- Netherite
This blocks appears in the negative Y.
You need a pickaxe to dig this block, you can use the next pickaxes:
- Wooden
- Stone
- Iron
- Gold
- Diamond
- Netherite
Deepslate Ores
The deepslate Ores appears inside of the deepslate, each of these has different characteristics
- Iron ore:
- You need a stone pickaxe or better to dig
- This gives the deepslate iron ore
- You can smelt the ore in a furnace
- Gold ore:
- You need a stone pickaxe or better to dig
- This gives the deepslate gold ore
- You can smelt the ore in a furnace
- Redstone ore:
- You need a stone pickaxe or better to dig
- This gives redstone (4-5)
- When you punch the block this glow
- You can smelt the ore in a furnace
- Lapis ore:
- You need a stone pickaxe or better to dig
- This gives lapis lazuli (5-8)
- You can smelt the ore in a furnace
- Diamond ore:
- You need a iron pickaxe or better to dig
- This gives diamond
- You can smelt the ore in a furnace
Decoration ores
This ores it’s just decoration and don’t generate in the overworld
- Coal ore:
- You need a wooden pickaxe or better to dig
- This gives coal
- You can smelt the ore in a furnace
- Copper ore:
- You need a stone pickaxe or better to dig
- This gives the deepslate copper ore
- You can smelt the ore in a furnace
- Emerald ore:
- You need a stone pickaxe or better to dig
- This gives emerald
- You can smelt the ore in a furnace
Deepslate Caves
If you go to the negative Y, you can find the deep dark biome (or deepslate Caves)
Better cave generation
Now the caves are really bigger, so be careful when you dig straight down, because you can die from a fall damage
Tip: use night vision to go from a cave, without this potion the caves are very dark
- With night vision
- Without night vision
Experiental things
Sculk blocks
The sculk blocks still in test but you can obtain with the command “/give @s block:[name of the block]”
This add-on just works in the latest beta of Minecraft
You need to activate all experimental gameplays to make the add-on works