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MCPE/Bedrock More Mobs

Illustrious Member Admin

More Mobs (Beta) (1.12) Function Pack

More Mobs in Vanilla Minecraft 1.12 with only one function! This one function creation adds more mobs into your vanilla minecraft world. Zombie Miners, but also Cave Shulkers and Pirates. Everything is done within vanilla minecraft and no resource-packs are needed.

Enjoy the pack!

CreatorMarvinG GamingTwitter AccountYouTube Account

How does it work?

To get started give yourself a command block: type in chat /give @p command_block

2 – Place the Command Block and type function moremobs, set it to Repeat and Always Active, and voilà enjoy the Pack.

  • Zombie Miners, there very dangerous because they give you mining fatigue but they might drop a iron pickaxe and a golden helmet.

  • Next up is wolves, they can now spawn on villages, I like dogs especially Sven from PewDiePie’s Minecraft world!

  • Next is Cave Shulkers, as you can see they turn into gray which gives it a stony look, and they don’t give you levitation instead they give you mining fatigue, so watch out!

  • Last is Pirates, there kind of neutral but don’t go near them because they can hop out of the boat, its kind of glitchy in creative mode, and by the way the Captain have diamond sword and the others have iron swords.
  • That’s it for the beta there’ll be more coming soon like Wizards and I should stop spoiling the surprise, but enjoy the Pack!


  1. Download Behavior Pack .McPack
  2. Apply the pack for a world
  3. Create the world


Supported Minecraft versions

1.12 - 1.13

Topic starter Posted : 09/09/2019 5:24 pm