More Mossy | by JayCubTruth
This addon gives you 31 brand new types of mossy blocks! Pretty simple! The vanilla game only gives you mossy cobblestone and mossy stone brick. No more! You now have 31 new mossy types!
"More Mossy by JayCubTruth"
Version 1.0.0 created for Bedrock version 1.19
Created by JayCubTruth
This addon gives you 31 brand new types of mossy blocks! Pretty simple! The vanilla game only gives you mossy cobblestone and mossy stone brick. No more! You now have 31 new mossy types! SO MUCH MOSS!! 😀 I hope you enjoy this addon. Cheers
Blocks Included:
- Mossy Jungle Log
- ​Mossy Acacia Log
- Mossy Andesite
- Mossy Blackstone
- Mossy Polished Blackstone Bricks
- Mossy Bricks
- Mossy Deepslate Bricks
- Mossy Diorite
- Mossy Endstone
- Mossy Endstone Bricks
- Mossy Granite
- Mossy Mud Bricks
- Mossy Nether Bricks
- Mossy Prismarine Bricks
- Mossy Quartz
- Mossy Quartz Bricks
- Mossy Stone
- Mossy Oak Planks
- Mossy Spruce Planks
- Mossy Birch Planks
- Mossy Dark Oak Planks
- Mossy Mangrove Planks
- Mossy Crimson Planks
- Mossy Warped Planks
- Mossy Jungle Planks
- ​Mossy Acacia Planks
- Mossy Oak Log
- Mossy Spruce Log
- Mossy Birch Log
- Mossy Dark Oak Log
- Mossy Mangrove Log
You craft them with either Vines or Moss the same as vanilla blocks. Pretty simple!
If it downloads as a ZIP on mobile, rename it so it's just MCADDON.
Double Click the "MoreMossy_By_JayCubTruth.mcaddon" file and it should automatically open and import to minecraft. Once imported you can add it to your world by going to the world settings and clicking behavior/resource pack in the lower left corner. From there you will click on "my packs", select More Mossy by JayCubTruth, and select "activate".
Next you must make sure that "Holiday Creator Features" are turned on or it will not work!
You can find them in the "game" section of your world if you scroll down. Once that's done you are ready to go!

If it downloads as a ZIP on mobile, rename it so it's just MCADDON.
Double Click the "MoreMossy_By_JayCubTruth.mcaddon" file and it should automatically open and import to minecraft. Once imported you can add it to your world by going to the world settings and clicking behavior/resource pack in the lower left corner. From there you will click on "my packs", select More Mossy by JayCubTruth, and select "activate".
Next you must make sure that "Holiday Creator Features" are turned on or it will not work!
You can find them in the "game" section of your world if you scroll down. Once that's done you are ready to go!