More Ores | 7.0 The Texture Update (1.19+)
Have you ever wanted more metals which you can use in your world? With this addon, it is now possible. This addon adds new ores which can be used for crafting new blocks and tools.
List of ores:
- Aquarium
- Adamantine
- Bronze
- Brass
- Cold-Iron
- Silver
- ruby
- sapphire
- crystal
- topaz
- amethyst
- Starsteel
- Rainbow
- Agate
- Malachite
- Citrine
- Phoenixite
- Aluminium
- Endarium
- Pyrite
All metal block have the same recipe as the iron block
All ores will now spawn in the overworld and dimensions
Available Tools
Has the same recipes for other hoes but are a work in progress
Has the same recipes for other pickaxes
Has to be crafted in the middle of the crafting table. otherwise it has the same recipe as other swords
Here is the list of sword damages
crystal sword 5 damage
topaz sword 17 damage
ruby sword 10 damage
sapphire sword 9 damage
amethyst sword 5 damage
silver sword 7 damage
coldiron sword 12 damage
bronze sword 6 damage
brass sword 4 damage
aquarium sword 5 damage
adamantine sword 12 damage
Starsteel sword 12 damage
Rainbow sword 19 damage
agate sword 4 damage
citrine sword 5 damage
malachite sword 4 damage
phoenixite sword 8 damage
aluminium sword 7 damage
endarium sword 7 damage
If want to give feedback or note me some bugs go to my twitter @wiiadelphia
7.0 Changelog:
updated ore textures
added aluminium and endarium ore
fixed ore generation for nether and end dimension ores
MCADDON instructions
1. download the .mcaddon file
2. open the file in minecraft
WARNING:I will be updating this often. Make sure to delete previous version before installing the new version.
Dont post on other website without my permission.