More Spider! (Addon)
Hey Guys are you bored of minecraft spiders Because These ones are weak And I have one Addon with Spiders! New ones! Instead Of The Old Minecraft Spider this addon features 4 Spiders
Let's start with The First One
1.Creeper Spider
Creeper Spider is a Spider that exposes Like creepers And he has 30 Health and His Weakness Is Lava And mobs killing him He Runs 0.6

2.Ender Spider
Ender Spider Is an Enderman that teleports everywhere and blows himself when you go Near and It makes him Kill You Don't look at him For Long! He has 28 Health And Weakness is mobs Killing him the same!

3.Electio Spider
Electo Spider is friendly spider In this Addon He Kills Creeper And Ender Spider You can Ride on Electo Spider! It's Fun! His Health is 40 Weakness Is Strong Mobs

4.Real Spider
The Real spider Is the boss! He's the strongest Spider In the addon He Kills Elecro Spider But he will kill Creeper and Ender Spider If They Hit him By Accident Or purpose Real Spider Shoots Wither Skulls That are dangerous! Use A shield and a Netherite Armor to protect yourself!
Health Is 140
Weakness Is Too Many Wither's Or Mobs Trying to kill Him

Press the mediafire button to play The Addon And Enjoy!